Notice is hereby given to the electors of the Town of Cooks Valley that a Public Hearing on the Proposed Budget will be held at the Cooks Valley Town Hall on Monday November 15, 2021 immediately following the Regular Town Board Meeting which starts at 7:00 pm. The following is a summary of the proposed 2022 budget.  The proposed budget in detail is available for inspection at the home of the town clerk or on the town website.  Please call for an appointment at 715-704-9171.


Expected Expenditures....................................$365,319.32

            Expected Revenues..........................................$211,144.32

            Proposed Town Levy.......................................$154,175.00


Expected Expenditures: 

General Government...................$49,180.00

Health and Human Services........$3,800.00

Public Safety...............................$26,300.00

Public Works...............................$327,397.22

Total Expected Expenditures   $406,677.22


Expected Revenues


Licenses & Permits............$785.00

Public Charges...................$1500.00


Proposed Town Levy.......$154,175.00

Dated this 26th day of October 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                 

Vicki Freeberg, Clerk

Town of Cooks Valley


Special Town Meeting of the Electors Notice


Notice is herby given that on Monday November 15, 2021 immediately following the Public Hearing Meeting, which begins after the 7:00 pm. Regular Town Board meeting - a special town meeting of the electors pursuant to section 60.12 [1] [c] of Wisconsin Statutes will be held at the Cooks Valley Town Hall.   The agenda will include: 

  1. Call to order 
  2. Approval of the November 18, 2020 minutes 
  3. Adoption of the town tax levy to be paid in 2022 pursuant to Section 60.10 [1] [a] of Wisconsin Statutes of $154,175.00.  
  4. Adjourn   


Vicki Freeberg

Town Clerk


Dated this 26th day of October 2021


Cooks Valley Town Hall

EH Sales LLC

Valley Tavern 

Township Web Page at http://cv1927.bloomertel.net