Board of Review-2020

The Board of Review was called to order at 4:00 p.m. by Chairman Darrel Fehr at the Cooks Valley Town Hall located at 15751 40th Street on May 6, 2020.  The Board of Review roll call was: Darrel Fehr, David Clements, and Vicki Freeberg. Bob Irwin, assessor, was in attendance. 
There was confirmation of posting the Board of Review notice on April 18, 2020. 
The clerk verified the receipt of the assessment roll from the assessor.
The BOR verified the receipt of the Assessment roll and sworn statements from the clerk.
The BOR reviewed the assessment roll and performed the statutory duties:  examined the roll for correct descriptions or calculation errors, added omitted property and eliminated double assessed property.
The BOR found no errors in the assessment roll.
There were no changes from the Open Book meeting.
There were no taxpayers present; therefore, examination of assessment data, waivers, notices, hearing objections, and scheduling for BOR future dates were not necessary.
The BOR of 2020 was adjourned at 6:00 pm.
                                        Vicki Freeberg
                                        Town Clerk

Typed:  May 7, 2020