Town of Cooks Valley

Cemetery Meeting
   July 8, 2019


            There will be an annual meeting of the Cooks Valley Cemetery Committee consisting of members of the Cooks Valley Town Board on July 8, 2019 immediately following the July 8, 2019 regular monthly meeting of the Cooks Valley town board at the Cooks Valley Town Hall 15751 40th Street Bloomer, WI 54724
Gene & Beth Pagel, Rod Thorson, Vicki Freeberg, Victoria Trinko, Judy Prince, Darrel Fehr, David Clements, Jordan Braegelmann


  1. Call to order – duly posted in 3 places 7:49 the meeting called to order by Darrel Fehr
  2. Approval and place on file the June 11, 2018 cemetery minutes – motion made by DC and 2nd by DF motion carried 2-0
  3. Discussion and action on maintenance and funding for the upkeep of the Cooks Valley Cemetery – enough black dirt and one dead pine tree to cut down. Judy read letter from Daniel Harwood thanking him for the nice job of upkeep on the cemetery.
  4. Adjourn – DF motion to adjourn at 7:55 and DC 2nd motion carried 2-0