Town of Cooks Valley
April 24, 2012

The Plan Commission meeting convened on Tuesday April 24, 2012 at the Cooks Valley Town Hall [15784 40th Street].  Members of the plan commission present at the April 24, 2012 were:  Doug Zwiefelhofer, Arlene Hintzman, Scott Johnson, Carol M. Clements, and Thomas Short.   There was discussion concerning members of the plan commission whose terms have expired on March 22, 2012 and as Scott Johnson chose to recuse himself as a voting member of the plan commission for this meeting as he stands to financially gain from the EOG mining company eliminating the number needed to create a quorum of the plan commission.  It was agreed by the representatives of EOG and the plan commission that EOG would make their presentation and the residents would present their comments.  Any discussion or
Presentation by the EOG mining company:  Introductions of EOG representatives-Jon Behling, attorney, Tim Stauffer-attorney, Dan Fedderly –road design engineer, Tom Maul-mine superintendent-EOG. 
Tom Maul-The general operations were basically what EOG presented to the land conservation dept. for application of their reclamation plan.  There is a complicated system for erosion control.  There are storm water basins to take care of sediment washing off the stockpiles.  These basins may be treated with a flocculant-polyglucosamine, not a polyacrylamide.  The polyglucosamine is completely safe and not harmful to drink.  It will take one year to mine the area in the southwest corner.  At the end of the year, the soil will be moved back for reclamation.  The mining will move to the north, then in an easterly direction, then southerly, and finally back to the west.  With an estimated couple of million tons a year, this mine has a projected duration of ten years.  It is basically a strip mine with 250 feet of overburden that is not useful.  The mining will stay ten feet above the water level.  There will be a monthly measurement of water levels so as not to go below the water level.  Reclamation with be flat land with a valley of mixed trees and meadows as requested by the owner.  This mine operations is monitored by MSHA, WDOC [Wisconsin Dept. of Land Conservation], WDNR [Wisconsin Dept. of Natural Resources.  There is voluntarily placement of three air monitors installed by a PhD expert.  These monitors are placed on a platform about 10 feet high.  The filters are sent in for analysis.
Dan Fedderly-road working has been in progress for three weeks.  A survey has been completed and determination of the 66 feet road-right of way based on a section corner by the surveyor.  This is to determine whether the impact of the road design will be within the road right of way or will impact the property owner.  This design must meet DOT road standards.  It is apparent to the EOG mining company and property owners that the width of the road does not meet the volume and type of traffic.  They need to establish slopes in relation to properties.  The sight distance determines the need to cut the hill down which impacts ditches, slopes and this in relation to the property owner. They need to determine the speed on the road which could possibly be less that 45 miles/per/hour.  These would be quality roadways with the interests of the impact on property owners.  The develop agreement has a 45 mile per hour speed limit.  For the most part, the design is within the road right-of-way.  East of County Highway DD could be made to 45 miles per hour sooner that west of County Highway DD. 
Public Comment:
Mark Berge-refer to attached comments
Nancy Schindler-blasting is her main concern.  Refer to attached comments.
Barb Arendt-refer to attached comments
Chris Harmon- has just constructed a new home which is 33 feet from being an adjoining property.  His children are awakened by blasts.  He would like his home to be inspected prior to further blasting but has not had anyone return his calls. 
Ann Sarauer-refer to attached comments
Heidi Freeberg-would like to resubmit her comment from April 16 to the April 24 meeting.  She appreciates the trucks being shut down on the weekends.  The trucks are driving slowly and everyone is doing the best that can for the situation.
Jane Sonnentag-Safety is her major concern and the drivers are courteous.  Refer to the attached comments.
Earl Hassemer-EOG is travelling State Highway 40 with the traffic day and night and the trucks are especially loud crossing the two bridges close to the intersection with County Highway A.
Scott Johnson-refer to attached comments
The meeting was concluded at 8:40 pm.
Respectfully Submitted
Typed:  April 25, 2012                                                          Victoria Trinko Town Clerk