Town of Cooks Valley
April 24, 2013

Chairman Doug Zwiefelhofer called the Plan Commission meeting to order at 8:03 pm on Wednesday April 24, 2013 at the Cooks Valley Town Hall [15784 40th Street].   Plan Commission members in attendance:  Doug Zwiefelhofer, Stanley Sarauer, Calvin Swartz, and Thomas Short.
Public Comment:  There was no public comment.
Approval of the plan commission meeting minutes of March 4, 2013: Doug Zwiefelhofer made a motion to approve the March 4, 2013 minutes.  Stanley Sarauer seconded the motion.  The motion carried 4-0. 
Discussion and Approval of Robert and Marlene Sarauer Survey:    The decision was to leave the CSM at the original acreage of 6.7 acres.  No action was taken.
Election of Plan Commission Officers:  Chairman duties-to conduct the meetings and call and organize the parties involved in the meetings.
Office of Chairman-Doug Zwiefelhofer nominated Tom Short.  Tom Short nominated Doug Zwiefelhofer. Calvin Swartz made a motion to close the nominations.  Doug Zwiefelhofer seconded the motion.  The motion carried 4-0.  The votes were counted-Doug Zwiefelhofer was elected plan commission chairman by vote of 3-1. 
Office of Clerk-Stanley Sarauer nominated Tom Short.  Calvin Swartz seconded the nomination.  Calvin Swartz made a motion to close the nominations.  Stanley Sarauer seconded the motion.  The motion carried 4-0.  The votes were counted.  Tom Short was elected secretary of the plan commission by a vote of 4-0. 
Future Agenda Items & Business: 
Salary for the Chairman of the plan commission.
Adjourn:  Tom Short made a motion to adjourn at 8:45 pm.  Doug Zwiefelhofer seconded the motion.  The motion carried 4-0.
Typed:  October 8, 2013                                                       Respectively Submitted
Approved:  November 6, 2014                                             Thomas Short-Secretary/plan commission