Plan Commission Meeting
Town of Cooks Valley
April 7,2008

David LaGesse, Chairman of the Plan Commission, called the Plan
Commission meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. on Monday April 7,2008 at the Cooks
Valley Town Half. Those present at the meeting were David LaGesse, Ron
Fanetti, Arlene Hintzrnan, Doug Zwiefelhofer, and Jerry Ruff, and Chris DeGidio.

Arlene Hirrttman made a motion to accept and place on file the minutes of
the March 13,2008 Plan, Commission meeting. Doug Zwiefelhofer seconded the
motion. The motion passed 5-0.

Jutie Wohtk met with the Plan Commission requesting a variance to build a
storage shed within the 100' setback from the road. After reviewing site plan, the
Plan commission voted 5-0 in favor of the variance because there is no other
logical place to set the structure.

Ron Fanetti also spoke to the Plan Commission on behalf of Lee Prill who was unable to attend. Mr. Prill had a 3.2acre lot surveyed in
2005 before the minimum lot size ordinance took affect, but the survey was not
recorded. Because the surveyor has documentation showing the date is correct the
Plan Commission voted 5-0 to place the lot on file. Both of these items will be
passed on to the Town Board for final voting.

The Plan Commission reviewed the rough draft (written by Dave LaGesse
but expertly typed by his wife Dawn) of the ordinance for re-classifling parcels of
land after the comprehensive plan is in effect. This item was tabled for the night
and revisions will be made at the next meeting.

The Plan Commission discussed the comprehensive plan at length with
attendants: David and Sheila Romeo, Dave Michels, Julie Wohlk, and Vernie

- Continue working on the comprehensive map - Work on revisions of land re-class rough draft
- The next Plan Commission meeting will be Monday May 5,2008 at 7: 30 P.M.

Chris DeGidio made a motion to adiourn the meeting at 850 pm. Jerry Ruff
seconded the motion. The motion passed 5-0.

Respectfidly Submitted
Chris DeGidio
Committee Secretary