Plan Commission Meeting

Town of Cooks Valley

December 2, 2009

          David LaGesse, Chairman of the Plan Commission, called the Plan Commission meeting to order at 7:41 p.m. on Wednesday December 2, 2009 at the Cooks Valley Town Hall.  Those present at the meeting were David LaGesse, Rudy Oblak, Chris DeGidio and Doug Zwiefelhofer.
Doug Zwiefelhofer made a motion to accept and place on file the minutes for the November 18, 2009. Plan Commission meeting provided a correction made to a date in the minutes. Rudy Oblak seconded the motion; the motion passed 4-0.
Earl Hassemer was also present and there was no public comment.

The Plan Commission reviewed the finished copy of the Comprehensive Plan and prepared for the December 28, 2009 public hearing on the Comprehensive Plan.
Before discussing future agenda and business, Dave LaGesse brought to attention the fact that he may be leaving the Plan Commission. During the November 23, 2009 Town Board meeting Earl Hassemer requested that Dave LaGesse step down as Chairman of the Planning Commission due to the delay of the completion of the Comprehensive Plan, conflict of interests and self gain from the non-completion. Thus began a lengthy (and cordial) discussion with Earl ending with the Plan Commission agreeing with the following:

  1. The Plan Commission feels that there was no delay in the completion of the Comprehensive Plan. It took as long as it did because it was a very difficult task being handled by a group of residents with good intentions but little experience. Furthermore, had it not been for Dave’s contributions and hard work on his own time it would not be completed now.
  2. There may have been a conflict of interests with Dave regarding the Chapter 19 mining ordinance and he could have abstained from the voting on it. As it was, Dave Voted in favor of it as did the rest of the Plan Commission.
  3. There were no examples of any situations in which Dave used his position on the Plan Commission for self-gain except for the twenty dollars per meeting all members receive. 


  1. The Public Hearing on the Comprehensive Plan will be Wednesday December 28, 2009 at 7:00 P.M.
  2. The next Plan Commission meeting will be Wednesday January 6, 2009 at 7:30 P.M.

          Rudy Oblak made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:25 pm. Chris DeGidio seconded the motion.  The motion passed 4-0.

Respectfully Submitted
Draft                                                                     Chris DeGidio

                                                                             Committee Secretary