Town of Cooks Valley
December 3, 2014

Chairman Doug Zwiefelhofer called the Plan Commission meeting to order at 8:00 pm on Wednesday December 3, 2014 at the Cooks Valley Town Hall [15784 40th Street].   Plan Commission members in attendance:  Doug Zwiefelhofer, Stanley Sarauer, Calvin Swartz, Thomas Short, and Damian Prince.

Approval of the plan commission meeting minutes of August 6, 2014: Damian Prince made a motion to approve the plan commission minutes of August 6, 2014.  Calvin Swartz seconded the motion.  The motion carried 5-0.

Discussion and possible recommendation of a draft of Chapter 26 Nonmetallic Mine Exploration license:      Tom Short made a motion that the plan commission recommends to the Town of Cooks Valley town board to approve Chapter 26 Nonmetallic Mine Exploration license with the following changes

  1. Make sure the numeration is correct
  2. Section 26:05 License Term and Scope (1) Except for the first year of operation under this Chapter, and operator’s license shall be granted for a period of one year commencing on January 1st and ending on December 31st of the calendar year.  For the first year of operation under this Chapter, the operator’s license will start on the date of issuance until December 31st of that same year.
  3. Section 26:06 License term and scope (1) notice procedure (a) at least a 3 day in advance of the commencement of drilling –rather than the 10 day in advance of the commencement of drilling because conjunction with the recommendations of Diggers Hotline procedures.   Stanley Sarauer seconded the motion.   The motion carried 5-0.

Future Agenda Items & Business:  no items were listed.

­­­­­­Adjourn:  Calvin Swartz made a motion to adjourn 8:43 pm.  Damian Prince seconded the motion.  The motion carried 5-0.
Typed:  December 5, 2014                                                    Respectively Submitted
Approved:  June 9, 2015                                                      Thomas Short-Secretary/plan commission