Town of Cooks Valley
December 3, 2014
Chairman Doug Zwiefelhofer called the Plan Commission meeting to order at 8:00 pm on Wednesday December 3, 2014 at the Cooks Valley Town Hall [15784 40th Street]. Plan Commission members in attendance: Doug Zwiefelhofer, Stanley Sarauer, Calvin Swartz, Thomas Short, and Damian Prince.
Approval of the plan commission meeting minutes of August 6, 2014: Damian Prince made a motion to approve the plan commission minutes of August 6, 2014. Calvin Swartz seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0.
Discussion and possible recommendation of a draft of Chapter 26 Nonmetallic Mine Exploration license: Tom Short made a motion that the plan commission recommends to the Town of Cooks Valley town board to approve Chapter 26 Nonmetallic Mine Exploration license with the following changes
Future Agenda Items & Business: no items were listed.
Adjourn: Calvin Swartz made a motion to adjourn 8:43 pm. Damian Prince seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0.
Typed: December 5, 2014 Respectively Submitted
Approved: June 9, 2015 Thomas Short-Secretary/plan commission