Plan Commission Meeting
Town of Cooks Valley
January 7,2008
David LaGesse, Chairman of the Plan Commission, called the Plan
Commission meeting to order at 7:40 p.m. on Monday, January 7,2008 at the Cooks Valley Town Hall. Those present at the meeting were David LaGesse, Ron Fanetti, Arlene Hintzman, Doug Zwiefelhofer, and Jerry Ruff.
Doug- Zwiefelhofer made a motion to accept and place on file the
minutes of the December 3,2007 Plan Commission meetina. Arlene
Hintzman seconded the motion. The motion passed 4-0.
The Plan Commission completed applying the 5 remaining points of a
comprehensive plan to our own township using the Town of Grant's as a guideline.
Arlene Hintzman made a motion to accept the 14 points for
development of a comprehensive plan for smart growth and Doug
Zwiefelhofer seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken and the motion
passed 4-0.
The Plan Commission discussed and began looking at the
comprehensive map regarding the classification of the land.
- Continue working on the comprehensive map
- The next Plan Commission meeting will be Wednesday, February 4,
at 7: 30 P.M.
Doug Zwiefelhofer made a motion to adiourn the meetinp at 9: 10 pm.
Arlene Hintzman seconded the motion The motion passed 4-0.
Respecthlly Submitted
Chris DeGidio
Committee Secretary