Plan Commission Meeting
Town of Cooks Valley
July 15,2008

David LaGesse, Chairman of the Plan Commission, called the Plan
Commission meeting to order at 7:40 p.m. on Tuesday July 15,2008 at the Cooks
Valley Town Hall. Those present at the meeting were David LaGesse, Ron
Fanetti, Arlene Hintzman, Jerry Ruff, and Chris DeGidio. Nathan Splett and Mr.
Harwood also attended the meeting.

Arlene Hiitzman made a motion to accept and place on file the minutes of
the June 26,2008 Plan Commission meeting. Chris DeGidio seconded the motion.
The motion passed 4-0.

The Plan Commission continued their discussion on the potential problems
Cooks Valley may face regarding mining in our township. It is evident that this
will require a lot of time and effort to derive the best possible scenario.

- Discuss possible amendments to the CHAPTER 19 MINING ORDINANCE
- Continue linking ordinances to the comprehensive plan
- The next Plan Commission meeting will be Tuesday August 4,2008 at 7:30 P.M.

Chris DeGidio made a motion to adioum the meeting at 9:50 pm. Arlene
Hint- seconded the motion. The motion passed 4-0.

Respecmy Submitted
Chris DeGidio
Committee Secretary