Town of Cooks Valley
September 6, 2017
Chairman Doug Zwiefelhofer called the Plan Commission meeting to order at 8:12 pm on Wednesday September 6, 2017 at the Cooks Valley Town Hall [15751 40th Street]. Plan Commission members in attendance: Doug Zwiefelhofer, Thomas Short, Stanley Sarauer, and Damian Prince.
Approval of the plan commission meeting minutes of March 6, 2017: Damian Prince made a motion to change the minutes to read Damian Prince seconding the motion in the March 6, 2017 minutes and to approve the March 6, 2017 minutes with the change. Stanley Sarauer seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0. Damian Prince made a motion to approve the May 3, 2017 minutes. Stanley Sarauer seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0.
Public Comment: There was no public comment.
Discussion and possible action by the members of the plan commission regarding the request by Charles Sundberg for a variance on Chapter 7 Lot Size section (4) A- building setbacks: Damian Prince made the motion to recommend approval to the Town of Cooks Valley board for the variance setback request by Charles Sundberg because there was a four foot variance from setbacks established in the ordinance. Stanley Sarauer seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0. Tom Short made a motion to amend the motion by imposing a maximum fine of $250.00 because the plan commission felt the accessibility of the ordinance was limited on the website. Doug Zwiefelhofer seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0.
Discussion and review of the Land Comprehensive Plan: The plan commission decided to read and review the Land Comprehensive Plan at least ten pages at the next plan commission meeting.
Future agenda items and business:
Discuss possible changes to the Comprehensive Plan
Approval of September 6, 2017 minutes
Discussion and possible action on dissemination of material/requirements/permits and protocol for compliance by applicant of a permit
Adjourn: Tom Short made a motion to adjourn at 9:45 pm. Doug Zwiefelhofer seconded the motion.
The motion carried 4-0.
Typed: November 25, 2017 Respectively Submitted
Approved: December 6, 2017 Thomas Short-Secretary/plan commission