Town of Cooks Valley

Regular Town Board Meeting

March 13, 2023


Chairman Darrel Fehr called the meeting to order on March 13, 2023 at 7:00 pm. The supervisors present 

were David Clements and Matt Borofka. Other officers present: Vicki Freeberg-clerk and Jan Thorson –treasurer. 

See attached list for delegation present 

Recitation of Pledge of Allegiance by delegation present.

Certification of proper posting for the scheduled town board meeting: The notice for the March 13, 2023 board meeting was duly posted in the 3 designated places within the Town of Cooks Valley on March 10, 2023. A subsequent Emergency posting (2 hours prior)vwas done on March 13th at 2:30 pm due to item #16 added to agenda.


Public Comment:  Rod Thorson brought up issue of needing various items donated to town hall and some cleaning that could be done if any residents would be willing to help.


Chippewa county land conservation mine report and update: Trenton Shutter presented information for the 3 mines in Cooks Valley township. Preferred moved some sand late January 2022 moved sand, working to address erosion problems this past summer. DS mine moved 2.9 million tons while working all this past year to reclaim, 56 acres planted, good system for erosion control. Plan amendment has been proposed to leave pond below Scott Johnson house, but no decision made yet.  One year after seeding is done they will put in for a reclamation plan. Some concern from Board and towns people about pond being left in place. Plan amendment proposed for Buchner mine, want to convert back to landscape of 2011, wash plant has been dismantled. Purfrac has not submitted anything. Chippewa county Land Conservation will report back to town after these amendments have been approved.

Discussion and possible action on budget categories: None

Approval of the February 13 Town Board meeting minutes – David Clements made a motion to approve minutes for February 13 Board meeting.   Matt Borofka seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0. 


Reading by Treasurer of February financial report: Ending balance on February 28, 2023 of  $121,361.54 and total cash 

on hand $214,890.95. 


Reading and Approval of the February bills: Darrel Fehr made a motion to approve check vouchers  #5798 - 5813 for payment of the February bills. Matt Borofka seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0.


Building/driveway permits: None


Discussion and possible action relating to the plan commission: Did not meet 

Discussion and possible action to reappoint 2 plan commission members for 3 year term- Darrel Fehr made a motion to reappoint Aaron Sarauer & Scott Culver for another 3 year term. Dave Clements seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-0.

Discussion and possible approval of 2023 Road ditch clean up project – Darrel confirmed with ATV club that they would do the ditch clean up for a fee of $800. Darrel Fehr made a motion to accept Road ditch clean up project $500 for 2023. Matt Borofka seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0.

Discussion and possible action on rental/public use of New Town hall – Board decided to only rent to town residents. Darrel Fehr made a motion to follow Town of Howard rental agreement and charge $150 for renting and then refund $100 if everything passes inspection. David Clements seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0

Discussion and possible action on plans for new Town Hall: Darrel Fehr made a motion to publish a Class II ad to move the Annual meeting for April 18th, 2023 to new town hall. Matt Borofka seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0

Discussion and possible action on moving polling place from old Town hall to New town hall: Darrel Fehr made a motion to move all future elections (starting after April 4 Spring election) to the new town hall 3633 155th Ave, Bloomer, WI. Matt Borofka seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0.

Chairman’s report: – Fire Dept./Roads –  no fires, road bans put on March 9, potholes and rough roads with so much snow and rain this year and Darrel will patch as needed. Bridge report from county that all bridges passed inspection and $578 fee to be paid in April.


Dissemination of Information- clerk’s report:  BOR training Eau Claire on 4/28/23 (8am registration) $45 (Kale & Darrel), WTA workshop 5/15 with 8 am registration $70, sheet for recycling – need to track garbage versus recycling for Clerk, letter from Rightaway Rolloff to increase prices on dumpsters from $300 to $325, April 4 election to be held at old town hall and Vicki will get cookies, no internet needed at this time                                                                                                                           

Future agenda items and business: Pledge of Allegiance, discussion and possible action on: Budget categories,  minutes of  March 13, 2023 regular meeting approved, Treasurers financial report, March bills, building permits, concerns pertaining to the Plan Commission, discussion on New town hall, discussion on attending WTA workshop 5/15/23,  appoint Rod Thorson as Recycling coordinator


The next regular town meeting is scheduled for – April 10, 2023 at 7:00 pm and Annual meeting is April 18, 2023


Adjourn:  David Clements made a motion to adjourn at 8:06 pm. Matt Borofka seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-0.



Typed:  March 14, 2023                                                          Respectfully Submitted,

Approved:  April 10, 2023                                                      Vicki Freeberg, Clerk