Town of Cooks Valley

Regular Town Board Meeting

November 14, 2022


Chairman Darrel Fehr called the meeting to order on November 14, 2022 at 7:00 pm. The supervisor present 

was Matt Borofka. Other officers present: Vicki Freeberg-clerk and Jan Thorson –treasurer. 

See attached list for delegation present 

Recitation of Pledge of Allegiance by delegation present.

Certification of proper posting for the scheduled town board meeting: The notice for the November 14, 2022 board meeting was duly posted in the 3 designated places within the Town of Cooks Valley on November 11, 2022.


Public Comment:  None

Discussion and possible action on budget categories: E-113 Election wages/per diem budgeted $2000 and spent $2058, T-092 Treasurer supplies budgeted $1000 and spent $1491.34, B-073 Printing and Publication budgeted $500 and spent $572.77 – Darrel Fehr made a motion to take $1200 from Contingency fund and put $300 in E-113, $800 in T-092 and $100 in B-073. Matt Borofka seconded the motion. Motion carried 2-0

Approval of the October 10 Town Board meeting minutes & October 24 Budget planning  – Matt Borofka made a motion to approve October 10 and October 24 meeting minutes.   Darrel Fehr seconded the motion. The motion carried 2-0. 


Reading by Treasurer of October financial report: Ending balance on October 31, 2022 of  $120,810.95 and total 

cash on hand $214,064.19. 


Reading and Approval of the October bills: Darrel Fehr made a motion to approve check vouchers  #5702 - 5727 for payment of the October bills. Matt Borofka seconded the motion. The motion carried 2-0.


Building/driveway permits: None


Discussion and possible action relating to the plan commission: Did not meet                                                     

Discussion and possible action to approve CSM for Larry Lester  – Larry Lester presented board with county CSM for    3 separate parcels (2 – 5 acre lots and the remaining 65 acres in lot 3) Darrel Fehr made a motion to approve the CSM for Larry Lester. Matt Borofka seconded the motion. The motion carried 2-0

Discussion and possible action to revise Garbage fees in Ordinance #23 – Darrel Fehr made a motion to change fees for large garbage bag from $2.00 to $3.00, and change fees for recycling of sofas & mattresses to $15.00 for all sizes. Matt Borofka second the motion. The motion carried 2-0

Discussion and action on sale of present town hall propertypostpone until December meeting

Discussion and possible action on plans for the new Town Hall – Darrel Fehr suggested to wire for security system at a cost of $656 and a yard light in back at a cost of $626 for future recycling site.


Chairman’s report: – Fire Dept./Roads –  no fires, snow and slippery roads, mines no change


Dissemination of Information- clerk’s report - Subgrant approval from WEC for $600 (IT support on computer), Elections were well attended and poll workers did an excellent job! 72% voter turnout. Cooks Valley chosen for a post election audit for 4 offices on the November ballot (Governor/Lt Governor, Secretary of State, Attorney General, & Rep to the Assembly). Audit will be held at the Chippewa County courthouse. Date will be posted to website.                                                                                                                                

Future agenda items and business: Pledge of Allegiance, discussion and possible action on: Budget categories,  minutes of November 14, 2022 regular meeting and November 14 Special meeting approved, Treasurers financial report, November bills, building permits, concerns pertaining to the Plan Commission, discuss future of present Town hall property, amend 2022 Budget


The next regular town meeting is scheduled for – December 12, 2022 at 7:00 pm with Christmas Party to follow, nomination papers will be ready for those on ballot for the April 4, 2023 election.




Adjourn:  Darrel Fehr made a motion to adjourn at 7:44 pm. Matt Borofka seconded the motion. Motion carried 2-0.



Typed:  November 16, 2022                                                    Respectfully Submitted,

Approved: December 12, 2022                                                           Vicki Freeberg, Clerk