Chairman Ron Fanetti called the meeting to order on August 10, 2009 at 8:03 pm. The supervisors present were: Gary Yakesh and David Clements. Delegation present were: Victoria Trinko-Clerk and Eunice Steinmetz-treasurer, Earl Hassemer, Tom Short, Harry Prince, and David LaGesse.
PUBLIC COMMENT: Gary Yakesh noted in the Plan Commission Meeting minutes of June 3, 2009 it was stated the Jim Rogge variance request on a parcel of land after the sale of his home, would not require a variance and was simply a clerical error with the township. Gary Yakesh would like to place a clarification with the plan commission minutes to state it was a clerical error at the county level concerning the parcel(s) description provided to the township as one parcel and not the correct two parcels which would have made the variance moot. Plan Commission chairman David LaGesse stated he would mention this comment at the next Plan Commission meeting.
David Clements made a motion to approve and place on file the minutes of July 13, 2009 regular town board meeting and the minutes of the July 17, 2009 special meeting, Gary Yakesh seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0.
Gary Yakesh made a motion to approve the August financial report. David Clements seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0.
David Clements made a motion to approve the July bills. Gary Yakesh seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0.
Discussion and possible action on budget categories: David Clements made a motion to transfer $100.00 from Non-allocated Funds to T-094-Treasurer per diem, and $100.00 from Non-allocated Funds to U-131 Gas-LP with a remaining total of $11,594.00 in Non-allocated Funds. Gary Yakesh seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0.
Discussion and possible action on building permit ordinance: Gary Yakesh made a motion to amend the Chapter 14 Building Permit Ordinance. David Clements seconded the motion. Roll call vote: David Clements-aye, Gary Yakesh-aye, Ronald Fanetti-aye. The motion carried 3-0.
Discussion and possible action on Chapter 18 Variances for Ordinances Special Meetings: Plan Commission chairman David LaGesse presented a proposal from the Plan Commission. Gary Yakesh made a motion to amend the Chapter 18 Variances for Ordinances Special Meetings to include the items recommended by the Plan Commission. David Clements seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Ronald Fanetti-aye, Gary Yakesh-aye, David Clements-aye. The motion carried 3-0.
Discussion regarding possible ATV Ordinance: There was discussion about liability coming back to the township, which neighboring townships have an ATV Ordinance, funding from the state for signs, and enforcement of rules. The cost of the signs would be an issue. Funding and cost will be researched by Chairman Ron Fanetti with the DNR and registration of vehicles.
Rejuvenation of 60th Street-field culverts, ditch cleanout: The Town of Cooks Valley published a Class I notice for 450 feet of 60th Street on the north end intersecting with State Highway 40. The Town received 2 bids. The Town accepted the lower bid of $8993.00 and $1006.00 from Dave Michels. There are 3 field culverts that have to be installed. The chairman will talk with land owners about placement of the culverts and ditch cleanout.
The following permit were submitted: Ellen Zwiefelhofer-building permit due to damage, Bloomer Rod & Gun-building permit, Darrell Fehr demolition of a garage permit, Mark Smith-building permit, Jackie Willi 160th Street lost 4-drivweacy and building permit, Chad Arendt-building permit.
Dissemination of Information: WTA –Chippewa County Unit meeting- discussion of licensing, vaccinating and raising the license fees for dogs, and the assessor counting the number of dogs. The Town eceived Shared Revenue July payment, 1st Dollar Credit, and exempt computer aid. There is a Humane Officer Training course offered in Madison in October.
Update of road projects progress: The chairman has talked with Fahrner about flex patching. The chairman did not attend the Pacer Wisler meeting but has made progress in getting to the worksheets on line and will rate the roads and compare the old ratings with the new ratings in the township. The Chairman has received calls from private contractors to place bids for culverts at a lower price and avoid bridge aid. The County has commented if the town wants a private contractor and also receive bridge aid the private contractor would have to have an engineer to make sure the culverts are installed properly and meet the specifications that would qualify for culvert and bridge aid.
Gary Yakesh made a motion to go into closed session to discuss litigation in which the Town is involved relative to the Town’s existing mining ordinance. David Clements seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0.
Gary Yakesh made a motion to go into open session. David Clements seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0. No action was taken during closed session.
ADJOURN: Gary Yakesh made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:33 pm. David Clements seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0.
Typed August 16, 2009 Respectfully submitted,
Approved September 14, 2009 Victoria Trinko, town clerk