Chairman Darrel Fehr called the meeting to order on August 12, 2013 at 8:00 pm. The supervisors present were:
David Clements and John Sykora. Other officers present were: Victoria Trinko-Clerk and Judith A. Prince-treasurer.
See attached list for delegation present.
Certification of proper posting for the scheduled town board meeting: The notice for the August town board meeting was duly posted on August 9, 2013 in the 3 designated places within the Town of Cooks Valley.
Public Comment: Nancy Schindler read her comment on how EOG is handling the property value guarantee in the permit granted to EOG in relation to her property. See attached comment. Sheila David questioned what has happened with Johnson property. An offer of $210,000 was made on the Johnson property. EOG purchased the property which was valued around $305,000. The Johnson’s have moved to Eau Claire and the property is back on the market. EOG is in the process of purchasing Dave and Heidi Freiberg’s property.
Discussion and possible action on budget categories: David Clements made a motion to transfer $300.00 from B-075 –W.T.A. convention to B-073 printing and publication. John Sykora seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0
Approval of the July 8, 2013 regular monthly town board meeting minutes: John Sykora made a motion to approve the July 8, 2013 regular monthly town board meeting minutes. David Clements seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0.
Approval of the August financial report: David Clements made a motion to accept the August financial report. John Sykora seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0. Two checks for fire suppression will be deposited for the next monthly statement.
Reading and approval of the July bills: John Sykora made a motion to approve the July bills. David Clements seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0. Judith Prince, treasurer, reported a CD had matured where it made $2.81 interest. She renewed the CD for 20 months at .5% with the hope of a higher interest return. Judith Prince also reported the cemetery fund is due to mature. Darrel Fehr made a motion to have the cemetery fund rollover with a maturation date in 2015. David Clements seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0.
Building permits –Mary Barlow Weber-new roofs on a machine shed and pumphouse and replacement of windows./ Dennis Schindler-garage & utility shed/ Steve Schindler-pole shed/ John and Paula Carlson-roofing, insulation, windows and gutters.*
Discussion of concerns pertaining to the plan commission: There was no meeting of the plan commission this month.
Discussion on progress of mining applications: Chippewa Sands attorney was on vacation last weekend and Glenn Stoddard is on vacation this week, so there has been little progress. Chippewa Sands does not want property value guarantee included in their permit. They have declared it is unconstitutional and will take the Town of Cooks Valley to court over the issue. Glenn Stoddard is proposing to research this issue and write a proposal for inclusion in the permit. Superior Sands has purchased the sand from Preferred Sands and wants to run longer hours than designated in the permit. They were informed this issue would need to be presented to the town board.
Discussion and possible approval of culvert bids for 50th Street: The bid was republished in the Bloomer Advance. Chippewa County stayed with their bid minus $1500.00. Damian Prince of Chippewa Valley Excavating submitted a bid of $16,445.00 which includes the engineering fee and 15 inch culverts. David Clements made a motion to award Chippewa Valley Excavating the contract for culverts and asphalt aproning on 50th Street. John Sykora seconded the motions. The motion carried 3-0. Damian Prince would like to the work after the graveling and milling has been completed on 50th Street.
Discussion and possible action on bidding for additional road work: There was discussion of paving and shouldering on 50th Street this year. It was felt 50th Street work on culverts and grinding should set for a year allowing the road to settle. It was the overall consensus that road work money would be better spent on the completion of small projects rather than paving and shouldering on 50th Street. Other possible projects discussed were: patching on the east and west end of 170th street, culverts on the south end of 40th street, and shouldering on 155th Street. Chairman Darrel Fehr will evaluate each project and consider the amount of money needed for each project. Darrel Fehr made a motion to place appropriate bids on the considered projects in accordance to need and available funds. David Clements seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0.
Chairman’s report –Fire Dept- grass fire -Jeff Hilger/ smoke detector alarm -Scott Schindler,/ controlled burn-John Pecha/ ambulance service-Shayla Story. Mine Road Work-There is a hole at the intersection of 40th St. and 135th Avenue, EOG says they are going to fix it. Rod Krecji of Chippewa County is waiting for more information from Preferred Sands on specifications for 186th Avenue. Chippewa County is speculative about an ample amount of money to complete the project. The county and Town of Cooks Valley would like action by next spring on this road. Preferred Sands sent the standard for dust control from the state level. Trees have not been planted as specified in the permit* concerning the Gehring property. There will be a meeting sponsored by the WTA at the Chippewa County Courthouse on September 3, 2013 for discussion on hauling agricultural materials.
Quarterly Reports:
Preferred Sands April May June total
tons 0 9,117.38 34,288.92 43,406.30
EOG Raw Sand Waste
2012 1,228,272 tons from DS mine 2012 447,188 tons waste from DS mine
2013 Q1: 0 tons from DS mine 2013 Q1 239,960 tons waste from SS mine
2013 Q2: 328,000 tons from DS mine 2013 Q2 162,088 tons waste from DS mine
Dissemination of Information- clerk’s report- Brochure on WISLER/PASER workshops, newsletter-from DOT and grant application information, DOA-population estimate of Town of Cooks Valley 823 for an increase of 18 people with an estimated 583 of voting age, DOA local government report
Future agenda items and business:
Discussion and possible action on budget categories
Building permits
Discussion on progress of mining applications
Discussion and possible action on concerns pertaining to the Plan commission
Discussion and possible action on bids for additional road work
Chairman’ report
Dissemination of information
The next meeting will be on Monday September 9, 2013 at 8:00 pm
Adjourn: John Sykora made a motion to adjourn at 9:03 pm. David Clements seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0.
Typed: August 15, 2013 Respectfully Submitted,
Approved: September 9, 2013 Victoria Trinko-town clerk