Chairman Darrel Fehr called the meeting to order on August 8, 2016 at 7:30 pm. The supervisor present was: Matt Borofka. Other officers present were: Victoria Trinko-clerk and Judith A. Prince-treasurer. See attached attendance sheet.
Recitation of Pledge of Allegiance by delegation present.
Certification of proper posting for the scheduled town board meeting: The notice for the August town board meeting was duly posted on August 4, 2016 in the 3 designated places within the Town of Cooks Valley.
Public Comment: There was no public comment.
Discussion and possible action on budget categories: Darrel Fehr made a motion to transfer $40.00 from non-allocated funds to E-116 Voting Machine leaving a balance of $8760.00 in non-allocated funds. Matthew Borofka seconded the motion. The motion carried 2-0.
Approval of the July 11, 2016 regular monthly town board meeting minutes: Darrel Fehr made a motion to approve and place on file the July 11, 2016 regular monthly town board meeting minutes. Matt Borofka seconded the motion. The motion carried 2-0.
Reading by the Treasurer of the July financial report: The ending check book balance was $142,090.89 as of July 31, 2016. The total cash assets for the Town of Cooks Valley were $305,714.31. The treasurer reported on August 22 2016, a tax settlement payment of $43,439.42 will be direct deposited. In August, the Town of Cooks Valley will receive $22,256.99 First Dollar Credit. A check of $10.00 for an operators license application from Randy Rihn was given to the treasurer for deposit.
Reading and approval of the July bills: Darrel Fehr made a motion to approve the check vouchers #4146 through #4160 for payment of July bills. Matthew Borofka seconded the motion. The motion carried 2-0.
Building permits: Andy Shakal-house addition, Zachary Borofka-cement slab
Discussion and possible action pertaining to the plan commission: no action taken.
Discussion and possible action of payment to clubs for ditch cleaning project: Darrel Fehr made a motion to add $150.00 to make the payment of $400.00 each to the Bloomer Wrestling Club and the ATV Club for cleaning the Town of Cooks Valley ditches. Matt Borofka seconded the motion. The motion carried 2-0.
Discussion and possible approval of operators applications: Darrel Fehr made a motion to approve the operators applications from the Bloomer Rod & Gun Club. Matt Borofka seconded the motion. The motion carried 2-0.
Discussion and possible action installation of private culverts on County roads: Darrel Fehr conferred with Marian Zwiefelhofer and the Zwiefelhofers have filled the hole in their driveway with rocks and it has stabilized the driveway. The county does not intend to replace the culvert at this time. Darrel Fehr made a motion to fix the culvert as a last alternative if the culvert collapses and the County refuse to fix it. Matt Borofka seconded the motion. The motion carried 2-0.
Chairman’s report: – Fire Dept. there was one fire call in the Town of Cooks Valley-smoke at Mike Seidling’s residence. Mine Roads- 20th Street is graded and hardener placed in the gravel. The County has paved the ends of 20th Street behind the stop signs.
Dissemination of Information-Clerk’s report: The air monitoring report from Dr. Crispin Peirce was received for November 2015 through July 11th, 2016. During this time, pm2.5 has exceeded EPA standards on two occasions with one occasion .4 less than the standard. The board and clerk completed a survey requested by the WTA.
Future agenda items and business:
Pledge of allegiance, Discussion and possible action on budget categories, Building permits, on concerns pertaining to the Plan commission, minutes of the August 8, 2016 meeting, Chairman’s report, Dissemination of information, future agenda items and business. Next regular board meeting will be September 12, 2016 at 7:30 p.m. Tentative scheduled date for the annual permit review meeting of Preferred Sands and Chippewa Sands on September 21, 2106 at 7:30 pm.
Adjourn: Darrel Fehr made a motion to adjourn at 8:28 pm. Matt Borofka seconded the motion. The motion carried 2-0.
Typed: August 9, 2016 Respectfully Submitted,
Approved: September 12, 2016 Victoria Trinko-town clerk