Town of Cooks Valley

Regular Town Board Meeting

December 8, 2014


Chairman Darrel Fehr called the meeting to order on December 8, 2014 at 8:00 pm.   The supervisors present were David Clements and John Sykora.   Other officers present were:  Victoria Trinko-Clerk and Judith A. Prince-treasurer.  See attached attendance sheet.
Certification of proper posting for the scheduled town board meeting: The notice for the December town board meeting was duly posted on December 3, 2014 in the 3 designated places within the Town of Cooks Valley. 
Public Comment:  Josanne Burgess, 17227 County Highway DD, inquired about the parameters of Chippewa Sands Company in regard to property value guarantees similarly provided by Preferred Sands and EOG mine companies and found there were no property value guarantees offered in the Chippewa Sands non-metallic mining permit.  Four years ago, their home was assessed in the area of $200,000.00 range. Two years ago, a reevaluation was done and the assessment dropped $40,000.00.  Realtors stated the proximity to the Chippewa Sands mine site plus the truck traffic was the cause of this drop in value of their home.  This year a refinancing yielded a $20,000.00 drop in valuation of their property.  Again the proximity of their property to the Chippewa Sands mine site and truck traffic was cited as the cause of the devaluation of their property.  Josanne Burgess stated this home was to be their retirement home but due to the drop in valuation, they feel if they want to be able to afford to move and before their house continues to drop in valuation, they need to sell now.  She wanted other land owners to be aware of this situation and the effect of living close to sand mine on your property.  She asked the board what her options were at this point.  The board advised Josanne Burgess to first list her house to determine if a buyer would purchase their house at the asking price.  If they are unable to sell their home at their asking price, they should contact Steve Schimmel, plant manager of Chippewa Sands, as Chippewa Sands stated at their permit application meeting that they would negotiate with land owners even though this was not stated in the language of the mining permit. 
Discussion and possible action on budget categories:  Darrel Fehr made a motion to move $40.00 from non-allocated funds to C-083 per diem clerk leaving $6140.00 in non-allocated funds.   David Clements seconded the motion.  The motion carried 3-0.
Approval of the November 11, 2014 regular monthly town board meeting minutes and special board meeting minutes of November 11, 2014:  John Sykora made a motion to approve and place on file the November 11, 2014 regular monthly town board meeting minutes and special board meeting minutes of November 11, 2014.  Darrel Fehr seconded the motion.  The motion carried 3-0. 
Reading by the Treasurer of the November financial report:  The ending check book balance was $138,295.35 as of November 30, 2014.  The total cash assets for the Town of Cooks Valley were $310,729.08.   David Clements made a motion to send $40,000.00 to the Chippewa County Highway Dept.  as a prepayment for snowplowing, sand and salt.  Darrel Fehr seconded the motion.  The motion carried 3-0.    David Clements made a motion to place $10,000.00 in a six month CD for an emergency road fund, fire/ambulance fund.  John Sykora seconded the motion.  The motion carried 3-0.  
Reading and approval of the November bills:  David Clements made a motion to approve payment of the November bills.  John Sykora seconded the motion.  The motion carried 3-0.  
Building permits:  no building permits
Discussion and possible action of concerns pertaining to the plan commission:  Doug Zwiefelhofer, plan commission chairman, stated the recommendation from the plan commission was adoption of the Chapter 26 Nonmetallic Mine Exploration license with the following changes:
1.  Make sure the numeration is correct
2.  Section 26:05 License Term and Scope (1) Except for the first year of operation under this Chapter, and operator’s license shall be granted for a period of one year commencing on January 1st and ending on December 31st of the calendar year.  For the first year of operation under this Chapter, the operator’s license will start on the date of issuance until December 31st of that same year.
3.  Section 26:06 License term and scope (1) notice procedure (a) at least a 3 day in advance of the commencement of drilling –rather than the 10 day in advance of the commencement of drilling because in conjunction with the recommendations of Diggers Hotline procedures.   There was discussion of the DNR rules and regulations on the inspection or reporting of drill holes. Darrel Fehr made a motion to post a draft of the Chapter 26 Nonmetallic Mine Exploration license and place this item on the January 2015 agenda.  David Clements seconded the motion.  The motion carried 3-0.
Discussion and possible renewal of animal control person contract:  Calvin Swartz, animal control person, presented a contract for the year 2015 with no changes from 2014.  John Sykora made a motion to approve the animal control contract.  David Clements seconded the motion.  The motion carried 3-0.
Chairman’s report – Fire Dept.- one fire call for the Fire Dept in the month of November –Donnie Rihn’s RV burned Mine roads- The signs are erected on 186th Avenue but more directional arrows are needed to meet state specifications.  Harmon’s on 148th/150th Ave. have made a request for reflectors on the corners by their house.  David Clements asked Jim Lueck about the condition of 60th Street.  Jim Lueck said the road was smooth and frozen.  Chairman Darrel Fehr reported in regard to mailbox issues residents are required to meet the same requirements as the Chippewa County.  He asked that this information be placed on the town website.
Dissemination of Information-Clerk’s report: 

Future agenda items and business:
Discussion and possible action on budget categories
Building permits
Discussion and possible action on concerns pertaining to the Plan commission
Chairman’ report
Dissemination of information
Next regular board meeting will be January 12, 2015 at 8:00 p.m.
Adjourn:  John Sykora made a motion to adjourn at 8:39 pm.  David Clements seconded the motion.  The motion carried 3-0.            

Typed:  December 16, 2014                                                       Respectfully Submitted,
Approved:  January 12, 2015                                                     Victoria Trinko-town clerk