Chairman Ron Fanetti called the meeting to order on January 18, 2010 at 7:30 pm. The supervisors present were: Gary Yakesh and David Clements. Other officers present were: Victoria Trinko-Clerk and Eunice Steinmetz-treasurer. See attached list for delegation present.
PUBLIC COMMENT: Supervisor David Clements asked Brian Nodolf if the town board could have a copy of the recording he was conducting of the meeting. Brian Nodolf said that would be possible.
Gary Yakesh made a motion to approve and place on file the minutes of December 14, 2009 regular town board meeting and the minutes of the December 11th and 28th 2009 special meetings. David Clements seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0.
David Clements made a motion to approve the January financial report. Gary Yakesh seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0. There was discussion of the bill from Chippewa Valley Door. The seals were replaced but the cracked window in the garage door was not fixed.
Gary Yakesh made a motion to approve the December bills. David Clements seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0.
Discussion and possible action on budget categories: no action was taken on this item.
Request to remove David LaGesse from the plan commission: Supervisor Gary R. Yakesh read a statement. Gary Yakesh with reasons stated and with much regret, under Wis. State statutes 60.62(4)(a), made a motion to remove David LaGesse from the plan commission of the Township of Cooks Valley, effective January 31st, 2010. David Clements seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0. Brian Nodolf interjected with the town board not having provable reasons of violation for the removal of David LaGesse and the board was saying David LaGesse was not doing the town’s bidding. Chris DeGidio stated the plan commission was in support of David LaGesse’s work.
Notice of Claim by David & Dawn LaGesse regarding Chapter 19 Nonmetallic Mining Ordinance: A notice of claim adding Brenda LaGesse’s name and an attached copy of the quit claim deed was emailed to the town clerk on Sunday January 17th, 2010 at 10.29 pm. Attorney Glenn Stoddard informed the town board that they do not have an obligation to deny or act upon a claim for 120 days. David Clements made a motion to postpone action on this notice of claim until we receive a legal opinion from the town’s attorney. Gary Yakesh seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0.
Discussion of the cell phone contract: Chairman Ron Fanetti felt the best action would b e pone card. Brian Nodolf asked about the cost of a contract for a cell phone which would be $576.00 yearly. There was discussion the usage of a cell phone. Gary Yakesh made a motion that the Chairman purchase a phone card for the town. David Clements seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0.
Discussion of Focus on Energy and G.A.B. Survey rebates: Chippewa Valley Door has replaced the seals on the garage door for a total of $479.00. The township has $2021.00 remaining from Focus on Energy and $100.00 from GAB.
Darrel Fehr- cement pivot structure: There was discussion of objects in the township within the road right-of-way but out of the clear zone. Darrel Fehr’s pivot is within the 33 feet of the road right-of-way but out of the clear zone. The town board examined the statement and picture from the Chippewa County Highway Dept. A letter will be sent to Darrel Fehr informing him of the pivot being within the road right-of-way but out of the clear zone and the pivot would have to be removed if the road is reconstructed so it is beyond the road right-of-way.
Chairman’s Report: The Chairman received approval for TRIP funds and will proceed with bids for road work.
Dissemination of Information:
Loran Zwiefelhofer asked if Sam LaGesse has filed papers with the Town of Cooks Valley and what does the town intend to do about it as Sam LaGesse is hauling sand. Brian Nodolf stated Sam LaGesse will not be filling out any applications or permits with the town of Cooks Valley and the Town will have to file an action. Carol Clements commended the town clerk and Earl Hassemer for keeping the public knowledgeable about town business by updating the information on the website.
Gary Yakesh made a motion to go into closed session pursuant to Wis. Stat. 19.83 & 19.85 (1) (g) to discuss litigation. David Clements seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0.
Gary Yakesh made a motion to go into open session. David Clements seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0. No action was taken during closed session.
ADJOURN: Gary Yakesh made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:58 pm. David Clements seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0.
Typed January 23, 2010 Respectfully submitted,
Approved February 8, 2010 Victoria Trinko, town clerk