Chairman Darrel Fehr called the meeting to order on June 10, 2013 at 8:02 pm. The supervisor present was: David Clements. Other officers present were: Victoria Trinko-Clerk and Judith A. Prince-treasurer. See attached list for delegation present.
Certification of proper posting for the scheduled town board meeting: The notice for the June town board meeting was duly posted on June 4, 2013 in the 3 designated places within the Town of Cooks Valley.
Public Comment: No public comment
Discussion and possible action on budget categories: no action was needed on budget categories.
Approval of the May 14, 2013 regular monthly town board meeting minutes: David Clements made a motion to approve the May 14, 2013 regular monthly town board meeting minutes. Darrel Fehr seconded the motion. The motion carried 2-0.
Approval of the June financial report: Judith Prince, treasurer, reported a CD will mature on June 19th, 2013. Would the town board consider a renewal of six months or one year with interest that would increase, if available, during the term? David Clements made a motion to review the CD for six months. Darrel Fehr seconded the motion. The motion carried 2-0. Judith Prince also reported the third quarterly transportation payment will be direct deposited on July 1, 2013. David Clements made a motion to accept the June financial report. Darrel Fehr seconded the motion. The motion carried 2-0.
Reading and approval of the May bills: Victoria Trinko, clerk, reported a bill from the Chippewa County Highway Dept. included bridge inspection. The bridge report had one recommendation-brushing was needed around and under all bridges. Darrel Fehr made a motion to approve the May bills. David Clements seconded the motion. The motion carried 2-0.
Building permits –Bob and Marlene Sarauer- reroofing, Dean Rosenbrook-grain bin and grain dryer. Driveway permit-Mark and Carol Clements.
Discussion of concerns pertaining to the plan commission: There was no meeting of the plan commission this month.
Discussion on progress of mining applications: David Clements has talked twice with Glenn Stoddard. Chippewa Sands has consolidated the permits of EOG and Preferred Sands and sent the application to Glenn Stoddard. He felt there were some modifications to deal with and will send a copy to the clerk at the end of this week or the beginning of next week for filing and disseminating to the board members to review. A copy will be placed on the website prior to a public hearing.
Possible approval of beer/liquor, cigarette, picnic and operators applications: Darrel Fehr made a motion to approve the Class “B” beer/liquor licenses for the Valley Tavern and Haymakers Bar & Grill, a “Class B” beer license for the Bloomer Rod & Gun Club, a picnic license for St. John the Baptist Church, a cigarette license for the Valley Tavern and Haymakers Bar & Grill and an operators license for Noel Lofthus, Marian Pecha, Samantha Borofka, John Ludwigson, Donald Lang, Kaye Huse, Mark Petska, Jim Miller, Eugene Harnisch, David Huse and Lauralee Seidling. David Clements seconded the motion. The motion carried 2-0
Discussion and possible action of road work projects and possible placement of bids for proposed projects: The road inspection committee categorized the town roads on a rating scale of 1-10 with one as the lowest rating and 10 as the highest rating. In the Town of Cooks Valley, 10 miles of road was rated at 3-5, 17 miles of road rated 6-8, and 7 miles of road rated between 9-10. A possible road project is 50th Street from County Highway A to 186th Avenue, approximately 1.5 miles, which was reconstructed in 1993. David Clements made a motion to place a bid for culverts, grading, and possible gravel lift for 50th Street from County Highway A to 186th Avenue. Darrel Fehr seconded the motion. The motion carried 2-0. Darrel Fehr made a motion to contact Dave Michels to place 3-4 loads of gravel with grading on 20th Street/Lookout Lane and shouldering on 50th Street, south of County Highway C. David Clements seconded the motion. The motion carried 2-0. There was discussion on possible shouldering on 155th Street, west of State Highway 40. Darrel Fehr made a motion for the placement on bids for seal coating and wedging on 70th Street, south of Woodmohr 150th Avenue and west on 148th Avenue to 60th Street. David Clements seconded the motion. The motion carried 2-0.
Discussion and possible action on ditch mowing and possible placement of bids for mowing project: This is a service contract and David Huse said he would do the ditch mowing for the same price as last year. Darrel Fehr made a motion to hire David Huse for mowing the Town of Cooks Valley ditches for the same price as last year. David Clements seconded the motion. The motion carried 2-0.
Possible approval of CMS-Dan Stiehl: Darrel Fehr made a motion to approve the CSM from Dan Stiehl on the Larry Rosenbrook/Ray Saxe farm. David Clements seconded the motion. The motion carried 2-0.
Chairman’s report –Fire Dept –The fire dept. was called for a grass fire-Brian Smetana, on 186th Avenue. The Bloomer Ambulance Service will return to intrafacility for MCHS transfers. The intersection of 40th Street and 135th Avenue is almost completed. Question-Is the blacktop going to be replaced on the driveway into the Town of Cooks Valley cemetery? This question will be presented to EOG.
Dissemination of Information- clerk’s report- Brochure on a Perspective of Frac Sand scheduled for August 2013.
Future agenda items and business:
Discussion and possible action on budget categories
Building permits
Discussion on progress of mining applications
Discussion and possible action on concerns pertaining to the Plan commission
Opening of bids
Possible tree spraying in ditches
Chairman’ report
Dissemination of information
The next meeting will be on Monday July 8, 2013 at 8:00 pm
Adjourn: Darrel Fehr made a motion to adjourn at 9:14 pm. David Clements seconded the motion. The motion carried 2-0.
Typed: June 14, 2013 Respectfully Submitted,
Approved: July 8, 2013 Victoria Trinko-town clerk