Chairman Darrel Fehr called the meeting to order on June 11, 2012 at 8:00 pm. The supervisors present were: David Clements and John Sykora. Other officers present were: Victoria Trinko-Clerk and Judith A. Prince-treasurer. See attached list for delegation present.
Certification of proper posting for the scheduled town board meeting. The notice for the June town board meeting was duly posted on June 6, 2012 in the 3 designated places within the Town of Cooks Valley.
Public Comment: the Cooks Valley town board welcomes public comments on matters pertaining to township issues. Because it is important to maintain order during the meeting, it is the policy of the town board that all public comments on an issue shall be limited to three (3) minutes per person, no person may make more than one (1) comment per subject and the session is no more than thirty minutes long. (We apologize for the tight time restrictions. They are necessary to ensure that we complete our business). Comments may be made on any subject pertaining to township issues, however, comments on matters not appearing on this agenda can only be discussed but may not be acted on at this meeting. If the board desires, the matters may be placed on a future agenda for action. No debating between residents. Sheila David read a comment about the Town of Cooks Valley adopting a property value guarantee. See attached comment on the website. Thomas Woodman commented that he has lived in Cooks Valley for 40 years and is against sand mining and starting new mines in the township. Rosetta Woodman commented she has diabetes and the sand and stress from construction and mining would aggravate her condition. Mark Berge said he felt insulted by the attitude of EOG at the last meeting. He felt EOG gave the impression they are doing above and beyond what is required in the matters of air monitoring and water testing and were going to do what they wanted regardless of the requests by the town, thereby treating the town unfairly.
Discussion and possible action on budget categories: David Clements made a motion to move $240.00 from non-allocated funds into C-083 Clerk per diem. John Sykora seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0.
Approval of the May 14, 2012 regular monthly town board meeting minutes and May 21, 23, 31, 2012 special meeting minutes: David Clements made a motion to approve the May 14, 2012 regular monthly town board meeting and the May 21, 23, and 31, 2012 special meeting minutes. John Sykora seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0.
Approval of the June financial report: Darrel Fehr made a motion to accept the June financial report. David Clements seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0. The ending balance in the checking account was $130,050.48.
Reading and approval of the May bills: David Clements made a motion to approve the May bills. John Sykora seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0.
Building permits –Rich Lofthus, Barb Arendt, Jessie & Shelli Prince, and Richard Koehler submitted building permits. Jessie & Shelli Prince and Jeff Buchner submitted driveway permits.
Discussion on progress of mining applications: The chairman talked with Glenn Stoddard who suggested setting a date for a public hearing in July in hopes of establishing a time limit for completion of the mining application and permitting process for each sand mine. The proposed schedule is to have one meeting for final settlement of the mining agreements. Hopefully, all the major decisions will be hammered out before the final meeting. There has been some movement between the attorneys with the agreements. Supervisor David Clements anticipates there will negotiations at the final meeting. There were concerns about the agreements being submitted in a timely fashion to allow placement of the agreements on the website a week in advance to the meeting for the public to have ample time to read and study the agreements and prepare their comments and concerns for the public hearing.
Discussion and possible action on amendments to Chapter 4 Traffic Ordinance: David Clements made a motion to approve and adopt the amendments to the Chapter 4 Traffic Ordinance. Darrel Fehr seconded the motion. Roll call vote: David Clements-yes, Darrel Fehr-yes, John Sykora-yes. The motion carried 3-0.
Discussion and possible action on ambulance/fire reimbursement: The town received a check for fire suppression from Anton Bohl. This item will be postponed until the next monthly meeting.
Discussion and possible action on road evaluation/committee: Other towns have expressed interest in attending the training for road evaluation. This item was postponed until the next monthly meeting.
Discussion and possible approval of applications for beer, liquor, cigarette, operators and picnic license for St. John the Baptist Church. David Clements made a motion to approve the applications for a beer, liquor, cigarette, operators and picnic license for St. John the Baptist Church. John Sykora seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0.
Discussion and possible action on control burn on 4911 State Highway 40: Chairman Darrel Fehr contacted the homeowners and they have not been billed for the fire call to the control burn. Fire Chief Brian Bleskacek indicated the fire dept. would not be billing for the control burn.
Discussion and possible action on purchase of cabinet for posting: Darrel Fehr made a motion to purchase a cabinet for posting not to exceed $300.00 for posting at the Valley Tavern. David Clements seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0. If a cabinet can not be found for the subscribed amount, the matter will be brought back to the board.
Discussion and possible action on bids for chip seal and Flex patching on town roads: Two companies have indicated interest in flexpatching and chip sealing in the Town of Cooks Valley. Darrel Fehr made a motion to place an ad for bids to flex patch on 60th Street from County Highway C to State Highway 40 [ 2.7 miles] with a split for bids at 155th Avenue into a north and south section, and chip sealing on 170th Avenue from County Highway A to the intersection of 10th Street, on 55th Street from 130th Avenue to the saw cut on State Highway 40 [.914 mi. and 21 feet wide, on 50th Street from County Highway A to 186th Avenue [1.94 mi. 21 feet wide].
Chairman’s report –
Dissemination of Information- clerks report- MFL transfer from Robert Yakesh to Gary Yakesh.
Future agenda items and business:
Discussion and possible action on ambulance/fire reimbursement
Discussion and possible action on road evaluation/committee
Discussion and possible action on purchasing new stop signs and stop ahead traffic signs according to Chapter 4 amendments
Discussion and possible action on budget categories
Building permits
Discussion and possible action on concerns of the Plan commission
Opening bids for chip sealing and flex patching [subject to the availability of funds]
Cemetery fund CD renewal
Adjourn: Darrel Fehr made a motion to adjourn at 9:22 pm. David Clements seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0.
Typed: June 18, 2012 Respectfully Submitted,
Approved: July 9, 2012 Victoria Trinko-town clerk