Town of Cooks Valley
Regular Town Board Meeting
March 12, 2018
Chairman Darrel Fehr called the meeting to order on March 12, 2018 at 7:30 pm. The supervisors present were David Clements and Matt Borofka. Other officers present were: Mary Jo Fehr-Deputy Clerk and Judith A. Prince-Treasurer.
Delegation: see attached attendance sheet.
Recitation of Pledge of Allegiance by delegation present.
Certification of proper posting for the scheduled town board meeting. The notice for the March 12, 2018 town board meeting was duly posted on March 7, 2018 in the three designated places within the Town of Cooks Valley.
A motion was made by Darrel Fehr to move agenda items 11 and 12, Discussion with Brian Kelley, Chippewa Highway Commissioner; and Presentation of the mine update by County Land Conservation Department to the top of the agenda. Dave Clements seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0.
Brian Kelley, Chippewa County Highway Commissioner, presented the highway department contact list and gave a brief description of each person's area of expertise. See attached contact list.
Dan Masterpole and Christian Huppert, County Land Conservation Department, provided information on the four sand mines in the Town of Cooks Valley. They will be reassessing financial assurances for all mines. Handouts were distributed for Chippewa Sand and EOG-DS mines. (See attachments). PurFrac - There is no activity at this time. Preferred Sands- the county has not received a permit transfer or financial assurance yet, but plan to start mining some time this year. EOG-DS - Will begin hauling sand from the mine on or about April 1st when the SS mine is closed for the season. The Land Conservation Department continues to monitor well information, groundwater elevation, storm water discharge, waste material testing, and storm water quality testing. They have no plan for reclamation this year. Chippewa Sand – the County Land Conservation Department has not received a completed application for expansion of the mine, but will have an open hearing once the information is available. There was a lot of discussion about possible high wall areas not finished to a 3 to 1 slope. From land conservation standards, the application is not complete.
Approval of the February 12, 2018 regular town board meeting minutes and February 12, 2018 special meeting minutes. Dave Clements made a motion to approve the February 12, 2018 regular town board meeting minutes and February 12, 2018 special meeting minutes. Matt Borofka seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-0.
Discussion and possible action on budget categories: no action taken.
Reading by Treasurer of February financial report: The ending balance as of February 28, 2018 was $155,575.63 Total assets - $310,414.73.
Reading and approval of the February bills. Darrel Fehr made motion to approve the check vouchers #4555- #4578 for payment of the February bills. Dave Clements seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0.
Building permits: Karlton and Cynthia King – barn for livestock and equipment. A check for $20 was given to the treasurer for deposit.
Discussion and possible action of pertaining to the plan commission: no action taken.
Possible approval of 2018 Road Ditch Clean Project from the county. . The county will provide $500 and the township will provide $300. The ATV Club has agreed to do the ditch cleaning. Darrel Fehr made a motion to approve the same funding level as last year. Matt Borofka seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0.
Approval of an appointment of a plan commission member. Darrel Fehr made a motion to appoint Calvin Swartz to the town plan commission. Matt Borofka seconded motion. A motion carried 3-0.
Chairman's report – Fire Department. No calls were made within the township.
Dissemination of Information – clerk's report. The Wisconsin Asphalt Pavement Association will be hosting an Asphalt 101 presentation on March 19, 2018, 11 am – 1 pm at 29 Pines.
Future items and business – to be determined.
The next meeting will be Friday, April 20, 2018 at 7:30 pm.
Adjourn: Darrel Fehr made a motion to adjourn at 9:13 pm. Matt Borofka seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-0.
Typed: March 14, 2018 Respectfully submitted,
Mary Jo Fehr, Deputy Town Clerk
Approved: April 20, 2018