Town of Cooks Valley

Regular Town Board Meeting

May 11, 2020


Chairman Darrel Fehr called the meeting to order on May 11, 2020 at 7:30 pm. The supervisors present
were David Clements and Matthew Borofka.  Other officers present: Vicki Freeberg-,clerk and Judith Prince –treasurer.
See attached list for delegation present. - no public p
Recitation of Pledge of Allegiance by delegation present.
Certification of proper posting for the scheduled town board meeting: The notice for the May 11, 2020 board meeting was duly posted in the 3 designated places within the Town of Cooks Valley.
Public Comment: None
Discussion and possible action on budget categories: Darrel Fehr made a motion to transfer $20 from non-allocated funds to B-074 WTA dues. David Clements seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-0. Balance of $8980 in non allocated funds.
Approval of the April 13, 2020 regular town board meeting minutes – Matt Borofka made a motion to approve April 13, 2020 meeting minutes.  David Clements seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0.
Reading by Treasurer of April financial report: Ending balance on April 30th of 196,791.53 and total cash on hand
Reading and Approval of the April bills: Darrel Fehr made a motion to approve check vouchers #5105 - 5123 for payment of the April bills.  Matt Borofka seconded the motion – The motion carried 3-0.
Building/driveway permits: driveway permit for Thunderhill Dairy, Paul Sarauer to reshingle house, Sage Clements to build new house, Rusty Beal to build detached garage
Discussion and possible action relating to the plan commission: none
Discussion and possible action to reassess Dean Schwartz tax bill for 2019: David Clements made motion to reimburse Dean Schwartz for 2019 tax bill on land taken out of Managed Forest Land. Matt Borofka seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0.
Open and discuss - possible award of road bids – Darrel Fehr made motion to move this item to #5 before budget catagories. Matt Borofka  seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0 – See attached page with the Road bids
Discussion and possible action on Purfrac road agreement – Everyone in agreement, one question on upgrade of road by EOG. If another upgrade is needed then Purfrac will be responsible. Darrel Fehr made a motion to approve Purfrac town road upgrade and maintenance agreement. Contingent on EOG signed and approved amendment to their road agreement. David Clements seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0
Chairman’s report: – Fire Dept./Roads – One call to Paul Freeberg residence for accident. Darrel will get with the County to have them patch 46th St. Two new signs put up to replace missing ones on 60th & 186th. Darrel will check on other road signs that may need to be replaced. Ditch cleaning done by ATV club so we will issue payment in June.
Dissemination of Information- clerk’s report: Liquor licenses due in June so will get paperwork to Bloomer Rod & Gun and Valley Tavern to renew, June is cemetery meeting, May 12th special Congressional election to be held tomorrow from 7am to 8pm.
Future agenda items and business: Pledge of Allegiance, discussion and possible action on: Budget categories,  minutes of May 11, 2020 regular meeting, Treasurers financial report, May bills, building permits, concerns pertaining to the Plan Commission, discussion and possible action on Purfrac road agreement, rescind ordinance #28 because it is a duplicate of #5, Cemetery meeting to follow board meeting, board to approve liquor licenses and operator permits

The next regular town meeting is scheduled for – June 8, 2020 at 7:30 pm
Adjourn:  Darrel Fehr made a motion to adjourn at 8:25 pm.  David Clements seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-0.

Typed:  May 16, 2020                                                                         Respectfully Submitted,
Approved: June 8, 2020                                                                      Vicki Freeberg, Clerk

May 11, 2019

The Regular Town Board meeting of the Town of Cooks Valley was called to order on May 11, 2019 at the Cooks Valley town hall located at 15751 40th Street at 7:30 pm by Chairman Darrel Fehr.  Supervisor present was David Clements and Matt Borofka.  Other town officials present were Vicki Freeberg-clerk and Judy Prince-treasurer.   Representatives of Michels Grading and Trucking, and Chippewa County Highway Dept. were also present.
Opening and possible acceptance of bids for paving, and shouldering on Cooks Valley Town Road 150th Ave. from 40th Street to County Highway DD using Option 2 -  2½ inch compact with two 1½ inch lifts.
2020 Road Projects
Bidder                  Road           type of oil   cost per ton         total            # of tons
Chippewa County 150th Ave.   58-28          $49.75        $104,574.50          2102         
Monarch               150th Ave.   58-28          $52.84        $99,761.92           1888 
Senn                     150th Ave.   58-28          $54.35        $104,623.75         1925
Matt Borofka made a motion to accept Chippewa County’s bid for asphalt pavement on 150th Ave from 40th Street to Cty HWY DD for the approximate cost of $104,574.50.  Darrel Fehr seconded the motion.  The motion carried 3-0.
Shouldering                                                   Cost per ton        total           # of tons
Chippewa County 150th Ave.                      $11.63        $6,861.70             590
A-1 Excavating     150th Ave.                      $21.20        $9,116.00             430
Dave Michels Grading & Trucking 150th Ave. $12.96        $7,776.00             600
Darrel Fehr made a motion to accept Chippewa County’s bid for shouldering on 150th Ave from 40th Street to Cty HWY DD for the approximate cost of $6861.70.  Matt Borofka  seconded the motion.  The motion carried 3-0.

Base Coarse                                              Cost per ton        total           # of tons
Chippewa County150th Ave.                      $9.67          $20,964.56           2168
A-1 Excavating    150th Ave.                      $14.00        $19,866.00           1419
Dave Michels       150th Ave.                      $9.43          $13,069.98           1386
Grading & Trucking
David Clements made a motion to accept Dave Michels Grading & Trucking bid for base coarse on 150th Ave from 40th Street to Cty HWY DD for the approximate cost of $13,069.98.  Darrel Fehr seconded the motion.  The motion carried 3-0.
David Clements shared some information on paving with mess between layers of asphalt and Chippewa county said they would look into that.


Typed:  May 16, 2020                                          Respectfully submitted
Approved: June 8, 2020                                        Vicki Freeberg, clerk