Town of Cooks Valley

Regular Town Board Meeting

November 11, 2013

Supervisor John Sykora called the meeting to order on November 11, 2013 at 8:00 pm.   The supervisor present was David Clements.   Other officers present were:  Victoria Trinko-Clerk and Judith A. Prince-treasurer.
Certification of proper posting for the scheduled town board meeting: The notice for the November town board meeting was duly posted on November 1, 2013 in the 3 designated places within the Town of Cooks Valley. 
Public Comment:  Sheila David asked if any town board members attended the public hearing on Bill 349. She felt we have local control and now the state is attempting to take local control away;  the rights of sand companies are being protected while the rights of residents are being ignored; and there are some towns are zoned but not a significant number.  Clerk Victoria Trinko and Chairman Darrel Fehr attended the public hearing on bill 349 on September 24, 2013.  They sat from 9:00 am t0 4:00 pm before they were able to testify.  Many attendees had no chance to testify due to busing schedules.  The commentary evolved from this bill is necessary to it is a starting point.  The clerk felt this issue will come back next year.   Beth Pagel felt the town board is doing a good job dealing with the sand mine issue.  Gene Pagel expressed concern if this bill was to take effect that some sand companies would take advantage of the situation and disregard the other residents in the town.  Supervisor David Clements commented that five years ago there was talk about eliminating towns and having counties take over the local control and that did not happen.  He feels this issue will go away also.
Discussion and possible action on budget categories:  David Clements made a motion to move from non-allocated funds- $200.00 to B-073 Printing and Publication, $540.00 to E-116 voting machine/maintenance, and $757.00 to I-120 Insurance with a remainder of $5,503.00 in non-allocated funds.  John Sykora seconded the motion.  The motion carried 2-0.
Approval of the October 14, 2013 regular monthly town board meeting minutes and the September 17, 2013 special board meeting minutes:  David Clements made a motion to approve the October 14, 2013 regular monthly town board meeting minutes and the September 17, 2013 special board meeting minutes.  John Sykora seconded the motion.  The motion carried 2-0.
Reading by the Treasurer of the October financial report:  The beginning balance was $246,949.24, plus ledger receipts of $20,365.12, minus ledger disbursements of $77,570.87, minus outstanding checks yielded a balance of $189,591.12, plus the CD’s in Peoples State Bank compiles to a total of $365,085.82 total assets of the Town of Cooks Valley. 
Reading and approval of the October bills:  David Clements made a motion to approve the October bills.  John Sykora seconded the motion.  The motion carried 2-0.   
Building permits:  Brian & Jan Hable-new roofing and reconstruction of a room.
Discussion of concerns pertaining to the plan commission:  At the meeting of the plan commission on November 6, 2013, Stanley Sarauer’s request for a variance of lot size was discussed.  Due to road reconstruction with the purpose of increasing public safety, a parcel of land was separated that was not conducive to farming.  The request for a variance of lot size was approved by the plan commission and recommended for approval by the town board.  The plan commission made a motion for the town board to consider the increase of salary to $50.00 for each meeting for the chairman of the plan commission due to the extra duties required of this position.  This matter is placed on the agenda for the special meeting of the electors on November 19, 2013. 
Discussion on progress of mining applications:  Superior Silica is continuing to haul sand from Preferred Sands mine site.  There has been no movement on the road reconstruction of 186th Avenue.  Signatures are being exchanged between Chippewa Sands and the Town of Cooks Valley on the final permit.
Discussion and possible action on Senate Bill 349 WTA resolution:  The clerk read the resolution.  John Sykora made a motion to adopt Resolution in Opposition to SB 349 Relating to Regulation of Nonmetallic Mining.  David Clements seconded the motion.   The motion carried 2-0.
Chairman’s report –Fire Dept- The clerk reported no fires this month in the Town of Cooks Valley, Mine Road
Dissemination of Information- clerk’s report-

Future agenda items and business:
Discussion and possible action on budget categories
Building permits
Discussion on progress of mining applications
Discussion and possible action on concerns pertaining to the Plan commission
Approval of dog catcher’s contract
Chairman’ report
Dissemination of information
The next meeting will be December 9, 2013 at 8:00 pm
Budget hearing will begin at 7:00 pm and Special meeting of the electors immediately to follow the budget hearing on November 19, 2013.  A special town board meeting will follow the special meeting of the electors. 
 Adjourn:  David Clements made a motion to adjourn at 8:44 pm.  John Sykora seconded the motion.  The motion carried 2-0.


Typed:  November 12, 2013                                                        Respectfully Submitted,
Approved:  December 9, 2013                                                    Victoria Trinko-town clerk