Town of Cooks Valley

Regular Town Board Meeting

September 19, 2011

Chairman Darrel Fehr called the meeting to order on September 19, 2011 at 8:00 pm.   The supervisors present:  David Clements and John Sykora.   Other officers present were:  Victoria Trinko-Clerk and Judith A. Prince-treasurer. See attached list for delegation present.
PUBLIC COMMENT:  Vernon Steinmetz reported 155th Avenue and north of 70th Street and 50th Avenue have brush on the corners.  The board may contact Dave Huse for brush work.    Mark Berge expressed  concerns about air quality and water quality with the sand mine located on Denny Schindler’s farm and read an ariticle about dust emission from working with silica sand in many operations.  He questioned “Why isn’t the EPA  more concerned about the air quality with all the mines in the area?”  The reclamation plan for Denny Schindler’s mine site talks about the water level but not the quality of water.  The Town of Cooks Valley Non-Metallic Mining Ordinance case will be heard by the Wisconsin Supreme Court in the next 3-4 months.  There was discussion about pursuing a new ordinance while waiting for a decision from the Supreme Court.  Mark Berge related that Scott Johnson has researched the Town of Howard’s licensure ordinance.  There was discussion about a road haul route from Denny Schindler’s.  EOG is possibly working on a road construction agreement or proposal.  There was a question about the rebuilding of County Highway DD –this will possibly be done next year.  Earl Hassemer led a discussion about the noise issue-where the county cannot enforce an ordinance about noise but the town has to enforce the noise ordinance with their own constable or police officer.  The criterion for noise pollution with trucks up to 35 mph is approximately 82 decibels.  Earl Hassemer would like the town to have a noise ordinance and is awaiting data concerning the federal noise act.  There is an air monitor in the city of Bloomer placed by the Concerned Chippewa Citizens. 
David Clements made a motion to approve and place on file the minutes of August 11, 2011 regular town board meeting.  John Sykora seconded the motion.  The motion carried 3-0. 
Approval of the September Financial Report:   John Sykora made a motion to approve the September financial report.  David Clements seconded the motion.  The motion carried 3-0.   There was a fire suppression check-John Rihn.   The money for the Dan Fedderly bill next month will come from the escrow account.  A check from Wells Fargo regarding Russell Pecha was sent to the Town of Cooks Valley instead of the Chippewa County treasurer.  A check will be issued to the County Treasurer to rectify the inaccuracy of this deposit. 
Reading and Approval of the August bills:  David Clements made a motion to approve the August bills.  John Sykora seconded the motion.  The motion carried 3-0.
Discussion and possible action on budget categories:  David Clements made a motion to transfer $2000.00 from non-allocated funds to B-070 governmental other , with a remainder of $8440.00 in non-allocated funds.  John Sykora seconded the motion.  The motion carried 3-0.
Building Permits:   Hay shed-Don Rihn 
Discussion and Possible Action on 60th Street-stream & road culvert project:  Seth Ebel, project engineer from the Dept of Land Conservation and Forest Management, reported to the Chairman that the culvert is at the right height and right placement but suggested to place another culvert next to the present culvert.   Possible completion of placement of the culvert will occur in spring April 2012 and application for culvert aid in 2013.
Discussion and possible action on placement of “Children at Play” signs and 45 mph signs on 135th Avenue-from County Highway DD to 20th Street:  Darrel Fehr made a motion to place two ‘Children at Play’ and two 45 mph signs on 135th Avenue from County Highway DD on the east end and 20th Street on the west end.  David Clements seconded the motion.   The motion carried 3-0.  Diggers hotline will be contacted; two additional ‘Children at Play’ and two 45 mph signs will be ordered and placed. 
Discussion and possible action on flex patching and crack sealing of town roads:  Gary Yakesh and Darrel Fehr toured the roads to determine crack sealing and flex patching on town roads.  Possible roads for flex patching are 148th/150th Avenue and 178th Avenue.  This item will be postponed until the next monthly town board meeting and a notice for bids will be placed in the Bloomer Advance.
Discussion on water issues:  This item was postponed until the next town board meeting. 
Discussion and possible action on attorney fees for open meeting litigation against board members:  David Clements related the steps being taken in the litigation.  Rural Insurance has agreed to cover the cost of the litigation. 
Discussion and possible action on assessor contract:  Assessor Bob Irwin reported the Town of Cooks Valley is at 89% of equalized value.  Farm buildings dropped by 4%.  This is the 4th year of our noncompliance.  The contract included an increase but if an readjustment is needed in 2013-2014, the only extra charge will be postage.  The state is requiring the Town of Cooks Valley to go electronic by the Board of Review of 2013.  This electronic transfer will be conducted by the assessor as they will scan in the pictures to go electronic.  David Clements made a motion to accept the 3 year contract of Bob Irwin, assessor.  John Sykora seconded the motion.  The motion carried 3-0.  
Possible approval of operators application-Wayne Stolt –Rod & Gun Club:  David Clements made a motion to approve the operators application of Wayne Stolt-Bloomer Rod & Gun Club.  John Sykora seconded the motion.  The motion carried 3-0. 
Discussion and possible action on withdrawal from Preferred Sands escrow account:  Preferred Sands has agreed to pay the engineering fee, lawyer fee on the previous road agreement and patching on 60th Street.  Darrel Fehr made a motion to place $10,311.02 from the escrow account into the town checking account.  David Clements seconded the motion.  The motion carried 3-0.  The town treasurer will make the transfer. 
Chairman’s Report:

Dissemination of Information: 


ADJOURN:  John Sykora made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:53 pm.  David Clements seconded the motion.  The motion carried 3-0.

Typed:  September 21 2011                                                                Respectfully submitted,  

Approved:  October 10, 2011                                                               Victoria Trinko, town clerk