APRIL 10, 2012


Chairman Darrel Fehr called the annual meeting to order at 7:30 on April 10, 2012.  Supervisors-David Clements and John Sykora, Treasurer-Judith Prince and Clerk-Victoria Trinko were also present.  See attached poll list for residents present at the meeting.
Chairman Darrel Fehr read the items on the agenda and the minutes of the 2011 annual meeting. . David Clements made a motion to place on file the minutes of the annual meeting of April 11, 2011.  Darrel Fehr seconded the motion.  The motion carried 19-0.
Due to laws passed the date for the annual meeting must now be conducted on the 3rd Tuesday in the month of April.  David Clements made a motion to set  the date for the next annual meeting on April 16, 2013.  John Sykora seconded the motion.  The motion carried 19-0.
Sheila David questioned the item in the 2011 minutes concerning if residents had their water tested that a copy of the report should be filed with the clerk’s office.  There was discussion on maintaining a line of custody for testing of water.  Geissler Plumbing conducted the testing for the Town of Howard.  David Clements indicated negotiations would be commencing for the payment of water testing.  Information will be sought for water testing and companies that could perform the testing. 
Chaiarman Darrel Fehr recapped the April 9, 2012 monthly meeting by listing the dates of mine meetings with the plan commission, negotiations with operating mining companies and new companies seeking a permit for mining.  There was discussion of David LaGesse increasing the size of his pit and application for a reclamation plan.
Victoria Trinko, town clerk, presented the financial report.  Each category and amount was explained.  David Clements explained the $50,000.00 fund for the maintenance and repair of 60th Street, the requirement to maintain $10,000.00 in the cemetery fund, and purpose of the certificates of deposit for the future purchase of a fire truck and ambulance.  Bernadette Hassemer made a motion to place the 2011 financial report on file.  Judy Lueck seconded the motion.  The motion carried 20-0.
 Darrel Fehr made a motion to increase the salary of the town clerk by $1500.00 and the supervisors increase of $240.00.  Carol Clements seconded the motion.  Bernadette Hassemer made an amendment to the motion to increase the clerk’s salary by $3,000.00 and the supervisor's salary to $240.00.  Mary Jo Fehr seconded the motion.  The motion carried 20-0. 
The town roads have not been evaluated at this time.  Inquiries into training dates for road evaluation certification will be made for Darrel Fehr, John Sykora and Calvin Swartz.  Possible members for this year’s road evaluation will be Darrel Fehr, David Clements and Vernon Steinmetz. 
Gene Pagel asked how long the road bans will be on the town roads.  The road bans will be lifted on April 16, 2012.  Bill Schindler said there is a post with no sign on it on 40th Street.  It was felt this was a stop ahead sign post and will be inspected.
Mary Jo Fehr made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:26 pm.  Beth Pagel seconded the motion.  The motion carried 20-0.
                                                                        Respectfully Submitted,
                                                                        Victoria Trinko, Town Clerk
Typed April 16, 2012
Approved April 16, 2013