APRIL 12, 2011


Supervisor David Clements called the annual meeting to order at 7:30 on April 12, 2011.  Newly elected Chairman -Darrel Fehr, Treasurer-Judith Prince and Clerk-Victoria Trinko were also present.  See attached poll list for residents present at the meeting.
Supervisor David Clements read the items on the agenda. Gary Yakesh made a motion to establish a poll list of the members attending the annual meeting.  Vernon Steinmetz seconded the motion.  The motion carried 10-0.
Gary Yakesh made a motion to place on file the minutes of the annual meeting of April 13, 2010.  Harry Prince seconded the motion.  The motion carried 10-0.
Vernon Steinmetz said 15-fourteen foot posts @ $10.00 were purchased from the Chippewa County Highway Dept. for the future replacement of sign posts in the township.
Victoria Trinko, town clerk, presented the financial report.  Each category and amount was explained.  Categories represented with zero amounts were funds that are reimbursed every other year.  There was discussion of:

Gary Yakesh made a motion to place the 2010 financial report on file.  Vernon Steinmetz seconded the motion.  The motion carried 10-0. 
Vernon Steinmetz, David Clements, and Darrel Fehr conducted a road evaluation in reference to roads needing crack sealing, potholes to be patched and signs to be replaced.  Mining operations will be a factor in the consideration of which roads will be reconstructed.  Possible road reconstruction will be on 40th Street from the intersection of 155th Avenue to County Highway A.  Chairman Darrel Fehr will contact Dave McCabe of the Chippewa County Highway Dept. to inspect the culverts on 40th Street in regards to replacement, adequate sizing, and reusability for reconstruction.  Flexsealing is being considered for 135th Avenue and other roads.  A final determination of the roads to be flexsealed will be made in a few weeks when the ground has settled. 
Some sand companies have made offers for the replacement and/or maintenance of roads with weight limit bans being lifted while the negotiations are being conducted.  David Clements suggested a time limit be placed on negotiations and road weight limits replaced when the time limits expire if no resolution has been established.  Our attorney would have to examine the resolution before adoption.  Chippewa County, Town of Cooks Valley, Town of Howard, and possibly the Town of Auburn will be involved in the negotiations.
No date has been set for the appeal of the court case on the Non-Metallic Mining ordinance.
David Clements is continuing to negotiate for the return of unused dog license fees to the township from Chippewa County.
The Town Board is encouraging residents to have their water tested as a baseline for possible future contaminants from mining operations.  Residents should retain a copy and file a copy with the Town of Cooks Valley.  Prior to the testing, the Town needs information from the mining companies as to which chemicals are being used so testing for those chemicals can be conducted.  Names of the labs that will conduct those tests are available at the clerk’s office.  There is conflicting information as to which mining companies are using chemicals and what chemicals are being used.  The Town Board will persist in the acquisition of this information.
Sheila David would like a culvert checked on 155th Avenue. 
Question:  Has there been a study about the bluffs and the impact of the removal on the filtration of the water?  Jeff Buchner reported the bluff would be removed but there would be 30 feet of sand above the water table.  Jeff Buchner reported that in the reclamation plan there is a statement that no chemicals will be used at the site in the washing of the sand product.  At this time, no public hearing on the reclamation plan or informational meeting has been scheduled on the Buchner/Robinson reclamation plan.    
Gary Yakesh made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:46 pm.  Vernon Steinmetz seconded the motion.  The motion carried 10-0.
                                                                        Respectfully Submitted,
                                                                        Victoria Trinko, Town Clerk
Typed April 14, 2011
Approved  April 10, 2012