Chairman Ron Fanetti called the annual meeting to order at 7:30 on April 13, 2010. Supervisors present were Gary Yakesh and David Clements. Other town officers present were: Eunice Steinmetz-treasurer, Victoria Trinko-clerk. See attached poll list for residents present at the meeting.
Chairman Ron Fanetti read the items on the agenda and requested if there were any other items to be discussed to be placed on the agenda.
Gary Yakesh made a motion to establish a poll list of the members attending the annual meeting. David Clements seconded the motion. The motion carried 37-0.
Dennis Pecha made a motion to place on file the minutes of the annual meetings of April 9, 2009. Vernon Steinmetz seconded the motion. The motion carried 37-0.
Victoria Trinko, town clerk, presented the financial report. Each category and amount was explained. Categories represented with zero amounts were funds that are reimbursed every other year. There was discussion of:
Arlene Hintzman made a motion to place the 2009 financial report on file. Harry Prince seconded the motion. The motion carried 39-0.
The matter of future ATV trails in the Town of Cooks Valley was discussed in regard to the cost of establishing routes, signs, and regulations. The DNR will be sending information to Chairman Ron Fanetti concerning ATV trails.
There was discussion of the progress and plans for the reconstruction of 60th Street with regard to culvert placement, installment, and cost.
The town board made an appeal for members for the two vacated seats on the plan commission.
Gary Yakesh made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:27 pm. David Clements seconded the motion. The motion carried 39-0.
Respectfully Submitted,
Victoria Trinko, Town Clerk
Typed April 14, 2010
Approved April 12, 2011