APRIL 15, 2014


Supervisor John Sykora called the annual meeting to order at 7:30 on April 15, 2014.  Supervisor: David Clements and Clerk-Victoria Trinko were also present.  See attached poll list for residents present at the meeting.
Supervisor John Sykora read the minutes of the April 16, 2013 annual meeting. .  David Clements made a motion to place on file the minutes of the annual meeting of April 16, 2013.  Jim Lueck seconded the motion.  The motion carried 6-0.
  David Clements made a motion to set the date for the next annual meeting on April 21, 2015 at 7:30 pm.  Calvin Swartz seconded the motion.  The motion carried 6-0.
Victoria Trinko, town clerk, presented the financial report.  Each category and amount was explained.  David Clements explained the cemetery fund covenant of only spending the interest on the original fund set up to maintain the cemetery.  He also explained the purpose of the CD’s is to provide funds for emergencies such as road washouts or major fires and funds for the purchase of fire fighting equipment.  John Sykora made a motion to place the 2013 financial report on file.  David Clements seconded the motion.  The motion carried 6-0.
 Calvin Swartz made a motion to increase the monthly wage of the Chairman by $100.00 for a total of $5200.00 annually.  Matthew Borofka seconded the motion.    The motion carried 6-0. 
David Clements made a motion to increase the salary of recycling manager and hourly road maintenance wages by $2.00 an hour for a total of: recycling manager to $11.00 per hour and road maintenance wages to $12.00 per hour.  Jim Lueck seconded the motion.  The motion carried 6-0.  These increases will take effect May 2015.
Jim Lueck questioned if the culverts on 60th Street would be replaced this year.  During the road inspection to be conducted in the next two weeks, these culverts will be inspected and the location of springs noted.  Potential road reconstruction will be on 60th Street and this will be determined by the road inspection committee.  Road reconstruction may occur following the possible necessity of using 60th Street as an alternate mine haul route during reconstruction of 186th avenue. 
Future resident Duane Shoebridge asked for information concerning building permits.  He was informed building permits can be obtained from the town clerk in conjunction with the ordinances dealing with setbacks and lot sizes.
Calvin Swartz asked for information about driveway permits and the replacement of the Rod & Gun Club sign on 60th Street.  It was suggested the sign be placed so not to obstruct vision at the intersection of 60th Street and County Highway A and beyond the road-right-of-way.
Road bans have been placed by the county and the Town of Cooks Valley.  Calvin Swartz informed those present that some of the road ban signs have to be replaced as they have tipped over or posts are missing due to the frost in the ground when placement occurred.
Calvin Swartz made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:02 pm.  David Clements seconded the motion.  The motion carried 6-0.
Typed April 16, 2014                                                  Respectfully Submitted,
Approved  April 21, 2015                                           Victoria Trinko, Town Clerk