APRIL 16, 2019

Chairman Darrel Fehr called the annual meeting to order at 7:30 pm on April 16, 2019.  Supervisor:  David Clements, Clerk:  Victoria Trinko-outgoing and Vicki Freeberg-newly elected were also present.

Chairman Darrel Fehr read the minutes of the April 17, 2018 annual meeting.  Tom Short made a motion to place on file the minutes of the annual meeting of April 17, 2018.  Mary Jo Fehr seconded the motion.  The motion carried 13-0.

Chairman Darrel Fehr presented the 2018 financial report.  The categories and amounts were explained.  The board certified the financial statement.

There was discussion of the continuing resolution made by Darrel Fehr at the 2018 Town of Cooks Valley annual meeting. There has to be a minimum of five acres for a possible land purchase.  Tom Short made a motion for a Continuing Resolution, “Be it resolved that we, the town electors of the Town of Cooks Valley, being duly assembled at the annual town meeting on April 16, 2019, do hereby authorize the Town Board of the Town of Cooks Valley to purchase land for possible construction of a new town hall at a cost not to exceed $25,000, pursuant to sec. 60.10(2) (f) of the Wisconsin Statutes.”  Rod Thorson seconded the motion.  Motion carried 13-0. 

Darrel Fehr thanked Victoria Trinko for her years of service as clerk for the Town of Cooks Valley.  David Clements added his appreciation for Victoria’s service stating it was a pleasure to serve with you. 

A motion made by Gene Pagel to adjourn the meeting at 7:52 pm.  Beth Pagel seconded the motion.  Motion carried 13-0.

Typed:  April 16, 2019                                         Respectfully submitted,
Approved:  April 21, 2020                                   Victoria Trinko, Clerk


Victoria Trinko-Thank you to all the board members I proudly served with for their support and professionalism throughout the experiences and transitions I recorded for 18 years as clerk of the Town of Cooks Valley.  I also want to express my appreciation to the residents of the Town of Cooks Valley for their dedication and commitment to keeping the Town of Cooks Valley a desirable place to live.  As we all move on, a special place is reserved in my heart for this piece of Wisconsin called the Town of Cooks Valley.