Special Town Board Meeting
Town of Cooks Valley
September 17, 2008

There will be a special board meeting of the town board of the Town of Cooks Valley on Wednesday, September 17, 2008 at the Cooks Valley Town Hall located at 15784 40th Street at 8:00 pm following the plan commission meeting.


  1. Call to Order  
  2. Public Comment –recorded comments of 5 minutes per individual with alternate pro/con
  3. Discussion and possible action on mining applications
  4. Discussion and possible action of mining ordinance 2.08 from operational pits to existing pits.
  5. Discussion and possible action on Appendix B
  6. Public Comment-Erin Borofka
  7. Adjourn 


As with other town board meetings and plan commission meetings, the public is invited to attend.
Posted at the following locations:
          Trout Creek Tavern
          Cooks Valley Town Hall
          Valley Tavern       
Township Web Page at bloomer.net/~cv1927/