Special Town Board Meeting
June 26, 2019


A special town board meeting will be held 7:00 p.m. on June 26, 2019 at the Cooks Valley Town Hall located at 15751 40th Street.   The public is invited to attend.  

The agenda will include:

  1. Call to Order – at 7:00 DF called meeting to order
  2. Discussion and possible action on variance setback request for Thomas Thon- Doug Z gave report from planning commission with recommendation to accept variance DF made motion to allow Tom Thon to go ahead and build shed, DC 2nd motion, carried 2-0
  3. Adjourn – DC motion to adjourn at 7:14 and DF 2nd motion carried 2-0                                                            


Posted at the following locations:
Ms. Fitz Hideout
Cooks Valley Town Hall
Valley Tavern       
Township Web Page at http://cv1927.bloomertel.net