Special Town Board Meeting
March 27, 2012


There will be a joint special board meeting of the town board of the Town of Cooks Valley/Town of Cooks Valley Plan Commission on Tuesday, March 27, 2012 at the Cooks Valley Town Hall located at 15784 40th Street at 2:30 pm.


  1. Call to Order
  2.  Cooks Valley Town Board and the Cooks Valley Town Planning Commission with Attorney Glenn Stoddard to review and discuss the process to be followed, and to schedule future meetings, for review and consideration of the Nonmetallic Mining Ordinance Permit Applications that have been submitted to the Town of Cooks Valley by parties which are currently engaged in nonmetallic mining operations within the Town.
  3. Public Comment
  4. Adjourn 



Posted at the following locations:
          Trout Creek Inn
          Cooks Valley Town Hall
          Valley Tavern     
Township Web Page at http://cv1927.bloomertel.net