Special Town Board Meeting
October 23, 2015


The Town of Cooks Valley board will meet at 9:00 am at the Town of Cooks Valley town hall 15751 40th Street.


  1. Call to Order 9:00 AM
  2. Development of 2016 budget The board reviewed the budget and did the figures for the year 2016
  3. Discussion and possible action on grading and graveling on 20th Street - Notice of special meeting board Nov. 4, 2015 at 8:00 am Call to order, dis, and poss. Action execution of a contract brushing on various town roads, execution of a contract on reconstruction on 20th street. 

Class 1 notice The Town of Cooks Valley executing a contract for brushing and reconstruction.

  1. Adjourn.  Darrel motion 12:37 pm David seconded  3-0.