The Special Town Board meeting of the Town of Cooks Valley was called to order on April 19, 2010 at the Cooks Valley Town Hall located at 15751 40th Street at 8:03 pm by Chairman Ron Fanetti. Supervisors present were David Clements and Gary Yakesh. Other town officials present were Victoria Trinko-clerk, Eunice Steinmetz-treasurer. Others present: see attached list.
Discussion and possible action on bids for the reconstruction of 60th Street: Supervisor David Clements called WTA and was advised if the town board was asking for a deferred payment schedule that bids should not be opened prior to informing all bidders of the proposed payment schedule. Chairman Ron Fanetti informed the delegation the Town of Cooks Valley’s General Transportation Aids will be approximately $74,000.00 in 2011 paid in quarterly payments. The town board proposes to pay the amount of the project in 2010 with the exception of the $74,000.00 to be paid in 2011. All bids should be resubmitted on April 26, 2010 at the Special Town Board meeting with the consideration of the deferred payment schedule plan. John Mason, Allied Black Top, inquired how the Town of Cooks Valley had the prevailing wage affidavits at this time while other municipalities will not have them until July. The availability of the affidavits is due to Chairman Ron Fanetti’s anticipation of the need for these affidavits, application for the affidavits and meeting with the Chippewa County Highway Dept. in January 2010; thus the township has these affidavits readily available for contractors.
Discussion on proposal for the recycling bid: Chairman Ron Fanetti will be meeting with the Town of Howard town board on May 4, 2010 to discuss the conditions of the recycling contract and future contracts. Chad Arendt, Right Way Roll-off, requires separation of glass, plastic and cardboard.
Gary Yakesh made a motion to adjourn at 8:22 pm. David Clements seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0.
Respectfully submitted
Victoria Trinko
Town Clerk
Typed: April 19, 2010
Approved: May 10, 2010