The Special Town Board meeting of the Town of Cooks Valley was called to order on April 26, 2010 at the Cooks Valley Town Hall located at 15751 40th Street at 8:00 pm by Chairman Ron Fanetti. Supervisors present were David Clements and Gary Yakesh. Other town officials present were Victoria Trinko-clerk, Eunice Steinmetz-treasurer. Others present: see attached list.
Discussion and possible action on bids for the reconstruction of 60th Street: Chairman Ron Fanetti opened the sealed bids from the four contractors present at the meeting.
Senn Blacktop, Inc.--$216,968.20 4670 tons @ $46.46 for all 3 sections
Allied Blacktop—3 bids. 60th Street from 160th Avenue $21,499.00 375 tons@$57.33 County Highway C 3778 tons @$54.50 $184,101.00, 155th Avenue to 160th Avenue 856 @ $61.10 $52259.00 for a total of $257,859.00 - 4609 tons
Chippewa County Highway Dept.—160th Avenue to State Highway 40 383 ton @ $43.23- $16557.09, County Highway C to 155th Avenue 3593 tons@ $43.23- $155325.39, 155th Avenue to 160th Avenue -900 tons @ $43.23 $38907.00 for a total of $210,789.48 4876 tons
Monarch Paving-- 155th Avenue to 160th Avenue $40308.12, north end 160th Avenue to State Highway 40 $15517.68, County Highway C to 155th Avenue $162131.37, for a total of $217,957.17 -- 4620 tons
All contractors agreed to the proposed payment schedule of quarterly payments in 2011 with the last payment in October 2011.
Gary Yakesh made a motion to accept Senn Blacktop, Inc.’s bid of $216,968.20 for the blacktop project of 60th Street. David Clements seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0.
The town board thanked the contractors for their attendance to the meeting and presentation of bids.
Discussion and possible action on the recycling bid: Chairman Ron Fanetti will be attending the Town of Howard town board meeting on May 4, 2010 at 8:00 pm to discuss the recycling contract and future contracts. The town clerk will post a notice of a possible quorum of the town board of Cooks Valley at the meeting.
Gary Yakesh made a motion to adjourn at 8:56 pm. David Clements seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0.
Respectfully submitted
Typed: April 27, 2010 Victoria Trinko
Approved: May 10. 2010 Town Clerk