A special town board meeting was called to order at 9:30 am by Chairman Darrel Fehr at the Cooks Valley Town Hall located at 15751 40th Street. Officers in attendance: Darrel Fehr-chairman, David Clements-supervisor, John Sykora-supervisor, and Victoria Trinko-clerk. See attached sheet for delegation present.
Discussion and possible action on 186th Avenue Preferred Sands mine haul route with Rod Krecji and Dan Fedderly: Dan Fedderly and Rob Krecji, Chippewa County Highway Dept. representative, have worked together to address the Town of Cooks Valley concerns from the last special meeting about the reconstruction of the mine haul route. Together, they presented a draft with the following changes about the road being built: a reduction from 18 to 16 inch size of rock, an increase from ¾ density rock to 1½ inch density rock, reintroduced curb back into the plan similar to 135th Avenue, and explained a cross-cut of the curb that tucks the curve into the hill. From a design perspective, the increased width and length of the curve and proposed curb requires a catch basin and culvert to divert the water from the road. The culvert necessitates requesting for an easement from the landowner for the culvert. Dan Fedderly will negotiate for easements with the two landowners. A cost of less than $10,000 is called a nominal parcel. There was discussion of a possible culvert already present; if the culvert is there, they can replicate the culvert. There was discussion of the placement of underground electric wiring. Chippewa Valley Electric Company wants to replace the wiring which may be located in the road right-of-way. Dan Fedderly will locate the present wiring and determine the location of the right-of-way and placement of wiring if needed in the road right-of-way. The plan allows for cutting the hills back for a 35 mile hour design and raising the grade which pushes the road further out but stays within the road right-of-way. The estimated cost of this plan is $686,000. David Clements questioned, “Can the town issue a bond as we are at a $200,000 difference between the money from Preferred Sands has in their bond and cost of this plan?” The consensus was that this is the road needed to accommodate the truck traffic and money must be available from Preferred Sands to continue to haul sand from the mine site. An estimate of 60 days for road reconstruction would be tight. Advertising is a two week minimum time allotment. The projected start time would be at least 30 days after the bid opening, approximately in mid-June. There was discussion of an alternate route during the entire construction. A suggestion was the haul route would remain open during construction as occurred on the 135th Avenue project. The intersection of 186th Avenue and County Highway DD may be a problem. The County Highway DD project will be conducted by the county and may be starting at the end of July. All driveway culverts will be replaced with plastic culverts of increased length and width. Rod Krecji summarized the meeting: to proceed with the changes to the curve design, install catch basins, curb and gutter, cut the hills, and use mix E3 with standard oil.
Darrel Fehr made a motion to accept the design changes as described in the plan. David Clements seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0. Darrel Fehr made a motion to appoint Dan Fedderly as project manager on 186th Avenue mine haul route. David Clements seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0.
Adjourn: John Sykora made a motion to adjourn the special town board meeting at 10:51 am. David Clements seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0.
Typed: April 9, 2014 Respectfully submitted
Approved: May 12, 2014 Victoria Trinko -Town Clerk