Chairman Ron Fanetti opened the informational meeting of the Town of Cooks Valley on April 20, 2009 at the Howard Town Hall located at 4052 County Highway B Colfax, WI at 7:30 pm. Supervisor present was Gary Yakesh. Other town officials present were Victoria Trinko-clerk and Eunice Steinmetz-treasurer. See attached attendance list.
Chairman Ron Fanetti provided information concerning the annual meeting which took place on April 14, 2009 at the Cooks Valley Town Hall with regards to motions to adjourn the meeting to April 20, 2009, reconvening the meeting by electors, refusal of Chairman Fanetti and Supervisor Clements to chair the meeting called by the electors, motion to rescind village powers 21-24 [failed], motion to rescind town board authority to establish hourly wage for elected officials 18-24 [failed], and adjournment.
Supervisor Gary Yakesh made a statement to Attorney Nodolf concerning his actions at the annual meeting on April 14, 2009.
Ron Fanetti thanked all the residents who voted and supported the board in the Spring Election.
Chairman Ron Fanetti reviewed the 2009 budget and the funded categories-how amounts are adjusted so categories are within budget. He explained that sometimes a budget category is exceeded and that the board has as one of the items on the agenda ‘the discussion and possible action on budget categories’. An example of this would be snowplowing or the purchase of ‘forever’ stamps by the Treasurer to avoid future postal rate increases.
Question: Was the annual meeting legal? Attorney Glenn Stoddard explained why this was a legal meeting.
The Chairman explained Highway expenditures [how much we can spend per mile], examining roads, landowners allowing us on their land, and implications made about mileage payments.
The clerk reviewed the financial report for 2008 since it was not discussed at the annual meeting on April 14, 2009. During the report, false figures, implications, and accusations that were dispersed prior to election were refuted and correct figures explained to the delegation.
Glenn Stoddard explained the background of federal, state, and village powers with positive reasons to have village powers.
Question: How could a small amount of people rescind the village powers? Glenn Stoddard explained that the majority of the people voting who attend decide the issues and why they are trying to rescind village powers.
Question: What are they suing for or asking in the claim? They are claiming it is a zoning ordinance.
Bernie Hassemer talked about having permits and would like friends, family and neighbor to work together to resolve this issue.
The meeting closed at 9:15 pm.
Draft: 04-25-09 Respectfully Submitted
Approved: 05-11-09 Victoria Trinko, Town Clerk