The Special Town Board meeting of the Town of Cooks Valley was called to order on July 6, 2015 at 9:30 am at the Cooks Valley town hall located at 15751 40th Street by Chairman Darrel Fehr. Supervisors present were David Clements and Matt Borofka. Other town official present was Victoria Trinko-clerk. Delegation: Virginia Berge.
Discussion and possible action on the rewording of the EOG nonmetallic mining “storm water project” permit on the Johnson property: Tom Maul presented the language changes in the EOG non-metallic mine permit application. The DNR is in the process of drafting a permit solely for industrial sand mines for storm water. The County inserted language into the EOG reclamation plan which is consistent with the DNR draft permit. There is language on storage water, waste water, etc. This language is more restrictive concerning: once a year sampling; testing for additional metals than what is required at the present time; added stream, corridor, and wetland water course language; and increased buffer zone from wetlands. Q. Are these changes affecting the construction of the storm water project? A. This language will not change the water project construction but EOG will be staying outside 100 ft. setback of the wetlands and testing storm water for additional metals to comply with the new language. After EOG gets the permit, they will probably test the water. Q. How often does the county come out to the mines as had noticed the county were often at the SS mine? A. Relatively clean water is being released from the SS mine -40milligrams per liter is still the standard.
The drawings from last meeting for the EOG water project are still accurate. As construction is going, EOG will modify the drawing if needed. Not a substantive change to the plans but may move the edge of the ponds to maintain the buffer from the wetlands. Site dewatering does not apply to DS mine but is included in the permit. Page 4 top 4 paragraphs deals with the county’s ability to review and approve the plans for the storm water containment. EOG will be using additives but not polyacrylymide but instead will be using glucosamine from crustacean shells. EOG will report annually the results of the water testing and if they change the additives. When cleaning out the settlement ponds, EOG will bring in dry sand and mix it up and bring it up for reclamation. A ratio of about 5 to one with dry sand to sludge to stabilize it in place will be used for reclamation. EOG is starting permanent reclamation. Page 5—burning of stumps- EOG grinds stumps and makes mulch to bleed it into the sand that may in time become nutrients. High cap well language is non-applicable. The county removed the federal drinking water standards from this amendment because drinking water standards do not apply to storm water. Quarterly sampling will be done. An annual report is supplied to the county and to the town. Every 3 years, EOG samples property wells within ¼ mile and have sampled wells, if requested, outside the ¼ mile limit. The county will consider taking analytes off the list of test metals if consistently non-existent over a period of time. Q. Solid waste –off-site product how much is to be used for reclamation? A. EOG plans to use less than 5% waste from other mines. They have to haul material back to the SS mine. There will be testing annually of waste for group of materials called contaminants. The testing will determine if polyacrylymide and polyelectrolyte, used at the plant for recycling reuse of water, is present in the waste sand. These chemicals are used to remove the solids and concentrated metals and may be present in the sand. At the mine, the concentrate is smaller. A test well will be constructed below the storm water ponds to determine the presence of metals. In the initial permit, there was wording that EOG would be responsible for 3 years after final reclamation. The language now says 10-15 year continued evaluation after the mine is completely reclaimed. This will be monitored by the county with each plot that is completed will then be started on the 10-15 year time line. The categories of reclamation are native prairie and wetlands. After the ten years following the final plot of reclamation, the land becomes the responsibility of the property owner. Test plots have been done by UW- RF. Next year, EOG will plant some crops to see what will grow.
Darrel Fehr made a motion to accept the language changes of the EOG reclamation permit amendment. David Clements seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0. Matt Borofka made a motion to adjourn at 10:28 am. David Clements seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0.
Typed: July 6, 2015 Respectfully submitted
Approved: July 13, 2015 Victoria Trinko -Town Clerk