Special Town Board Meeting
July 17, 2017

The Special Town Board meeting of the Town of Cooks Valley was called to order on Monday July 17, 2017 at the Cooks Valley town hall located at 15751 40th Street at 7:30 pm by Chairman Darrel Fehr.  Supervisors present were David Clements and Matt Borofka.  Other town officials present were Victoria Trinko-clerk and Judith Prince-treasurer.  See attached list for other attendees.
Discussion and possible action on the PurFrac non-metallic mining permit modifications:  Chairman Darrel Fehr asked the representatives of PurFrac if they had any additions to the non-metallic mining permit, to which they stated they did not.  Supervisor David Clements stated he had additions he would like to address concerning the non-metallic mining permit:  In section 2.4, change the wording ‘in a timely manner’ to six months; section 3.6 add Mining hours on Saturday may be extended due to an act of God.  The Town of Cooks Valley town board chairman or other board member must be contacted for approval; section 3.4 add but cannot haul past 4:30 pm; add section 3.2.1 Permit  hold cannot exceed ________number of loads per day[the blank to be determined by PurFrac after road agreement is resolved]; 3.9.10 delete ‘fines or waste sand and replace with only top soil, and delete  wording after the word property in the third line; section 5.1.11 add Results of the groundwater monitoring analysis will be included in the annual site report; section 11.1 add or plan commission in last sentence; section 20.1 change to ‘The permit holder with have five (5) years to build a cover for the stockpiled/washed sand.  20.2 changeto The permit holder must mine 100,000 tons of sand per year or reclamation must be done.
Devonah McFarlane, PurFrac representative, will retype the permit and email a copy to the Town of Cooks Valley and PurFrac’s attorney, who will review the changes.  After the attorney’s review, a copy will be forwarded to the Town of Cooks Valley.  A meeting will be scheduled to discuss the revised version and possible road agreement.  Moving forward, PurFrac has a meeting scheduled with Dave Bokor, of EOG, for Tuesday July 18, 2017 to discuss a road agreement and also PurFrac has made overtures or is in the process of possible purchase of the LaGesse Mine from Preferred Sands as infrastructure is present and the land owners are receptive to additional mining. Subsequent profits from the Preferred Sands mine operation would be utilized to construct the PurFrac mine.
Adjourn:  Darrel Fehr made a motion to adjourn at 8:25 pm.  Matt Borofka seconded the motion.  The motion carried 3-0.
Typed:  July 17, 2017                                       Respectfully submitted
Approved: August 11, 2017                                                          Victoria Trinko -Town Clerk