Special Town Board Meeting
March 14, 2016

The Special Town Board meeting of the Town of Cooks Valley was called to order on March 14, 2016 at the Cooks Valley town hall located at 15751 40th Street at 9:00 am by Chairman Darrel Fehr.  Supervisors present were David Clements and Matt Borofka.  Other town official present was Victoria Trinko-clerk. 
Opening and possible acceptance of bids for case coarse, milling, paving, and shouldering on Cooks Valley Town Road 135th Avenue from pavement change west of 20th Street west to Chippewa-Dunn County line:
Company            Project       Cost per Ton      Approx. # of Tons        Total Cost
A-1 Excavating Shouldering          $14.00                 400                      $5600.00
                             Base coarse       $11.00                 2400                    $26,400.00
Dave Michels     Shouldering        $12.91                 418                     $5396.38
Grading & Trucking Base Coarse $8.72                   2176                    $18,974.72
Chippewa County  Shouldering    $14.84                 500                      $7420.00
                                Base Coarse   $10.31                 2380                    $24,537.80
David Clements made a motion to accept the bid and award the contract for shouldering and base coarse to Dave Michels Grading & Trucking.  Darrel Fehr seconded the motion.  The motion carried 3-1.      
Company               Project      Cost per Ton       Approx. # of Tons     Total Cost
Chippewa County  paving    58-28 oil $50.03           1600                    $80,045.00
                                                58-34 oil $52.63           1600                    $84,205.00
Senn Blacktop        paving     58-28 oil $51.19                   1618                    $82,825.42
                                                58-34 oil $54.14           1618                    $87,598.52
Monarch Paving     paving    58-28 oil $50.26                   1600                    $80,416.00
                                               58-34 oil $55.26           1600                    $88,016.00
  [Usage of two pavers, price includes rough grading and rolling behind pulverizers]
Darrel Fehr made a motion to accept the bid and award the contract for paving of 58.28 oil at $50.26 per ton with an approximate # of 1600 tons for $80,416.00 to Monarch Paving.  Matthew Borofka seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0.  It was the decision of the board to accept the bid of the company using two pavers.
Adjourn:  Darrel Fehr made a motion to adjourn at 9:45 pm.  David Clements seconded the motion.  The motion carried 3-0.

Typed:  March 19, 2016                                             Respectfully submitted
Approved: April 11, 2016                                           Victoria Trinko -Town Clerk