A special town board meeting was called to order at 12:30 pm by Chairman Darrel Fehr at the Cooks Valley Town Hall located at 15751 40th Street. Officers in attendance: Darrel Fehr-chairman, David Clements-supervisor, John Sykora-supervisor, Judith A. Prince and Victoria Trinko-clerk.
Discussion and possible action of Dr. Crispin Pierce’s proposal on air monitoring and/or other proposals on air conditioning: Participants in the discussion-Eric Strum, an independent consultant from Nebraska who formerly worked for the EPA in Kansas City, Steve Schimmel and Michelle Karlstad-Chippewa Sands, Robin Jones from Weld, Wiley, Dr. Pierce and Dr. Boulter from UW-Eau Claire, and Gail Good and Jason Treutel of the Wisconsin DNR via teleconference.
Chairman Darrel Fehr questioned, “Is the data good enough or sufficient enough or would it create more questions?” Eric Strum attempted to paraphrase the study and gave an explanation of PM meaning particulate matter- PM10 is about the size of a hair strand, 2.5 is smaller and can be ingested into the lungs. It was established that the questions posed by the DNR were answered by Dr. Pierce.
There was discussion of flow rate control [FRM] instrument for PM2.5. Jason Treutel- How do you run this as a FRM or to be called an FRM? The DNR has no regulations for PM 2.5 and would not use the data for regulatory standards or in the permitting process and would not place the data on the DNR website.
There was discussion that measurement of PM 2.5 which would be used as an informational academic measure for the peace of mind of residents of the Town of Cooks Valley. There was discussion of a handful sites for air monitoring and of analysis /peer review of the data prior to publishing or reporting the data.
David Clements made a motion to approve the conduction of air monitoring in the Town of Cooks Valley for two years at the rate of $5000.00 per mine [Chippewa Sands and Preferred Sands] per year. John Sykora seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0.
Adjourn: Darrel made a motion to adjourn at 2:18 pm. David Clements seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0.
Typed: May 13, 2014 Respectfully submitted
Approved: July 16, 2014 Victoria Trinko -Town Clerk