May 5, 2011

          The Special Town Board meeting of the Town of Cooks Valley was called to order on May 5, 2011 at the Cooks Valley Town Hall located at 15751 40th Street 7:00 pm by Chairman Darrel Fehr.  Supervisor present was John Sykora.  Other town official present was Victoria Trinko-clerk.  Others present:  see attached list.
Discussion and possible action on road use agreement with the Town of Cooks Valley, Chippewa County, and/or Preferred Sand: Chairman Darrel Fehr explained that Chippewa County felt the Town of Cooks Valley should conduct this meeting if an agreement between the Chippewa County and Preferred Sand had been settled and the town board could act on it.  At this time, no agreement has been adopted between the Chippewa County and Preferred, so no action could be taken at the meeting.  There was discussion on the road hauling route with proposals of a possible up front payment, a later payment in 6 months, with a following later payment.  These details are continuing to be discussed.  There was a discussion concerning who determines the road bans.  At one time, the county had placed road bans on all roads which in turn the Town of Cooks Valley placed road bans on all the town roads.  If a truck makes a one trip in a day or is less than 48,000 pounds, a free permit is issued for one day.  One proposal from Preferred Sand was a $1000.00 per day to the Town of Cooks Valley with an additional payment to the residents along the haul route enabling hauling of sand for one week on a route along 186th Avenue to 60th Street to County Highway A.  The Town of Cooks valley would have no control over sand product from the Buchner/Robinson sand mine. 
Concerns were expressed about the practice of engine braking which is disturbing to residents.  Some trucks have mufflers on the engine brakes.  Other concerns were time of operation, the number of trucks, the number of wells, effects on the quality of water, the quality of air, the testing of private wells, zoning, and speed limits on trucks. 
An opinion expressed was that the mining process of a few is impacting many in the Town of Cooks Valley.  Some effects of the mining process are unknown by residents or by members of the Land conservation Dept.

John Sykora made a motion to adjourn at 7:48 pm.  Darrel Fehr seconded the motion.  The motion carried 2-0.

                                                                   Respectfully submitted
                                                                   Victoria Trinko
                                                                   Town Clerk

Typed:  May 8, 2011
Approved:  June 13, 2011