May 9, 2018

The Special Town Board meeting of the Town of Cooks Valley was called to order on May 9, 2018 at the Cooks Valley town hall located at 15751 40th Street at 9:00 am by Chairman Darrel Fehr.  Supervisors present were David Clements and Matt Borofka.  Other town official present was Victoria Trinko-clerk.   Also present was representative of Monarch Paving-Dave Janke, Senn Blacktop representative-Chuck Kouba and Dave Michels of Michels Grading and Trucking.
Opening and possible acceptance of bids for paving, and shouldering on Cooks Valley Town Road 55th St. south from Chippewa County Highway C to Cooks Valley town line approximately 2570 ft. long:
2018 Road Projects
Bidder                  Road           type of oil   cost per ton         total            # of tons
Chippewa County  55th St.       58-28          $44.92        $19,540.20          435             
Monarch               55th St.       58-28          $50.01        $19,653.93           393   
Senn                     55th St.       58-28          $56.61        $22,644.00           400                      
Chippewa County 55th St.                          $11.84        $1657.60              140
Senn Blacktop     55th St.                           $13.00        $1950.00              150
Dave Michels
Grading & Trucking 55th St.                      $12.92        $3488.40              270
The Town of Cooks Valley Board decided not to do this project but have Monarch Paving pave over the culverts.
Opening and possible acceptance of bids for base coarse, milling, paving, and shouldering on Cooks Valley Town Road 130th Ave. from State Highway 40 east to the Cooks Valley road portion end, approximately 3960 ft. long
Asphalt paving
Bidder                  Road           Type of Oil Cost per Ton        #of Tons     Total Cost 
Chippewa County 130th Ave.  58-28          $50.22                  1339           $67,245.24
Monarch               130th Ave.   58-28          $51.41                  1254           $64,468.14
Senn Blacktop     130th Ave.   58-28          $53.19                  1300           $69,147.00
Chippewa County 130th Ave.                     $13.28                  397             $5276.16
 Dave Michels      130th Ave.                      $13.25                  450             $5962.50  

Base Coarse
Chippewa County 130th Ave.                      $10.39                  1770           $18,390.30
Dave Michels       130th Ave.                      $8.89                    1690           $15,024.10
David Clements made a motion to accept Monarch Paving’s bid of $64,468.14 for asphalt paving on 130th Avenue.  Matt Borofka seconded the motion.  The motion carried 3-0.
Darrel Fehr made a motion to accept Dave Michels’ bid for shouldering of $5962.50 and base coarse for $15,024.15 on 130th Avenue.  David Clements seconded the motion.  The motion carried 3-0.
Opening and possible acceptance of bids for base coarse, milling, paving and shouldering on Cooks Valley Town Road 55th Street from State Highway 40 south to Chippewa County Highway C, approximately 2100 ft:
Bidder                  Road           type of oil   cost per ton         total            # of tons
Chippewa County  55th St.       58-28          $51.11        $35,773.32          700             
Monarch               55th St.       58-28          $52.66        $35,808.80           680
                             55th St.       58-34          $57.01        $38,766.80           680                      
Senn                     55th St.       58-28          $57.39        $38,451.30           670
                             55th St.       58-34          $60.44        $40,494.80           670
Chippewa County 55th St.                          $11.93        $2505.30              210
Monarch                                                     $12.92        $3230.00              250
Senn Blacktop     55th St.                           $13.00        $1950.00              150
Base Coarse
Chippewa County 55th St.                          $10.87        $9783.00              900            
Monarch               55th St.                           $8.23          $7612.75             925   
Senn Blacktop     55th St.                           $8.30          $7470.00              900
Darrel Fehr made a motion to award the contract for the TRIP FUND project on 55th Street for a total of $46,651.55 to Monarch Paving.  Matt Borofka seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0.
Discussion and possible action on Frontier Sand Road Agreement:  David Clements made a motion to authorize the Town of Cooks Valley Chairman to sign the road agreement between the Town of Cooks Valley and Frontier Sand with no changes to the present contract and with the provision that Frontier Sand has the financial assurance for reclamation required by Chippewa County.  Matt Borofka seconded the motion.  The motion carried 3-0.  
Adjourn:  Darrel Fehr made a motion to adjourn at 10:09 am.  David Clements seconded the motion.  The motion carried 3-0.

Typed:  May 9, 2018                                            Respectfully submitted
Approved:  May14, 2018                                     Victoria Trinko -Town Clerk