October 1, 2014
A special town board meeting was called to order by Chairman Darrel Fehr on Wednesday October 1, 2014 at the Cooks Valley Town Hall located at 15784 40th Street at 7:00 pm. Officers in attendance: Darrel Fehr-chairman, David Clements-supervisor, Victoria Trinko-clerk. See attached list for delegation present.
Discussion and possible action on 186th Avenue reconstruction mine haul route aspects: Chairman Darrel Fehr announced the purpose of the meeting was to discuss issues with the 186th Avenue mine haul route project. There are conflicting estimates on the amount of asphalt needed to complete the project. Dan Fedderly feels the numbers he has run are within 10% indicating this is a very tight estimate. Chairman Darrel Fehr asked Dan Fedderly if he disagrees with Mathey’s quantities. Dan Fedderly confirmed he disagrees with Mathey’s quantities. There is a possible shortfall of funds from the $935,907 original cost. Preferred Sands would have to pay for additional costs. The contractors would have to do change orders. There were discussions of estimates of tonnage of 5871 [110lbs per sq. inch] tonnage vs.7055 [110 lbs per sq. inch], yardage price 655 per yd. out-going, 1076 per ton per yd. in-coming. There was discussion of possible soft spots, different layers of asphalt, different routes to pack the gravel, amount of the contingency fund, and efforts needed to close the project out so the road will meet DOT specifications. Consensus was the acceptable method would be placing a 2 layers of asphalt and binder on only this year and final paving layers in the spring.
It was decided there was a need to have numbers ready for Preferred Sands and decide on the amount of paving. Change orders for the price of patching are needed. A meeting will be set up with the Chippewa County, Preferred Sands and a member of the town board.
Adjourn Darrel Fehr made a motion to adjourn at 7:44 pm. David Clements seconded the motion. The motion carried 2-0.
Typed: October 6, 2014 Respectfully submitted
Approved: October 20, 2014 Victoria Trinko -Town Clerk